Lunarium: Diary & Calendar app analytics for December 15

Lunarium: Diary & Calendar

Lunarium: Diary & Calendar

  • Lunarium s.r.o.
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Lifestyle
With a lunar diary you have control over the right timing. It will tell you the right time to change your hairstyle or when to meet the opportunity of a lifetime. By planning with the Moon's help, you'll achieve your goals sooner than you expect. In your diary, you can see not only your activities, but also additional notes and wishes. The New Moon opens the door to new opportunities, the waning Moon helps us to follow through. The lunar calendar is your advantage in life because you know how to use the Moon's influence. The calendar protects your health, revealing information about how a given phase of the Moon affects your body. It tells you which foods are full of life energy, or how to grow such a diet.
Lunarium: Diary & Calendar

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Lunarium: Diary & Calendar VS.

December 15, 2024