Illumination Wellness Practice vs NatureDose Usage & Stats

What if you could significantly improve your health and productivity in as little as a few minutes a day? The unique, simple but powerful "Illumination Practice" will help you feel better, think clearer and have more energy immediately. This practiced will support your overall health by: + Maintaining a Positive Mindset + Promoting a Healthy Body + Being more Efficiently Productive + Improving Mental Resilience + Decreasing Stress and Anxiety ​+ Increasing Energy Mental Training = Mental Fitness = Improved Mental Health At Metis Systems, we believe that the wellness of the individual determines the wellness of any organization and community. We recognize that mental and physical well-being are intertwined – thoughts create actions which produce results. Therefore, we begin with the mind and mental health and well-being. We build on the fact that mental (& emotional) health can be positively affected by mental training. We can strengthen our ability to stay positive and resilient by training our minds, just like you would a physical muscle. Through regular mental exercise we can improve our mental health. To that end, we have developed a practice - and programs that build on that practice - to improve your mental, physical and emotional health.
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NatureDose® is the leading personalized nature prescription app. Totally free. NatureDose can monitor your time inside, outside, and exposed to natural environments to help you leverage the proven benefits of nature exposure for better mental and physical health. In the current world of never-ending technostress and screen addiction, NatureDose is the antidote to help you unplug for just a few minutes a day. Better health and wellness is right outside. On par with diet, exercise, or adequate sleep, making nature exposure an essential part of your lifestyle is one of the best choices you can make for your health and wellness. Backed by over 500 peer-reviewed scientific studies, increasing your time exposed to natural elements can have profound impacts, from a stronger immune system and reduced anxiety in adults to better eyesight and brain development in kids. In short, these studies prove that nature exposure can result in a longer, healthier, and even happier life. It's no surprise that "Nature Prescriptions" were named one of the top global wellness trends at The Global Wellness Summit and thousands of health care professionals, public health organizations, and governments around the world are employing nature as a health tool. NATUREDOSE FEATURES: - Using a patent-pending technology, NatureDose® can track your weekly outdoor nature prescription in minutes (a “NatureDose”) - Daily NatureDose breakdown - Determine longest nature session by week - Compare week-to-week nature exposure - Determine approximate indoor versus outdoor time by week - Set customized weekly NatureDose targets (for example 120 minutes a week) - Helpful tips, suggestions, and facts to optimize your time outdoors - Determine the relative amount of beneficial nature for any neighborhood (a “NatureScore®”) - Determine the highest NatureScore location by week PARTNER WITH US TO GET OUTSIDE! In addition to personalized health management, NatureDose can be an integral part of: - Corporate health and wellness programs - reduce burnout and keep productivity high - Health insurance - lower medical costs through a safe, scalable, and accessible intervention - Research - Doctor guided prescriptions for preventative care or treatment - Therapy, meditation, and mental health platforms - Physical health or activity/fitness apps - Community/organizational challenges and promotions - Nature based augmented reality and the “gamification” of time outside - White-label nature prescriptions - Any corporation, non-profit, or government agency who is interested in creating a healthier future through time outdoors! Learn more about the connections between nature and health, NatureDose, and NatureScore on our web site. NATURE IS NOT A LUXURY. IT IS A NECESSITY.
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  • Health & Fitness

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December 15, 2024