Réserve Africaine de Sigean vs SX3 Usage & Stats

Africa in your hands! All the practical information to make your visit easier and make the most of your day at the Réserve Africaine de Sigean. IMPROVE YOUR VISIT COMFORT Whether you are on the Safari part of the park with your own vehicle, or on the pedestrian part, the application will allow you, among other things, to guide you easily and not to miss any species of the park. LET YOURSELF BE GUIDED On the Safari: Benefit from real-time geolocation to easily find your way around the Safari route. For each territory, the application offers podcasts to listen to as a family to learn more about the animals you can observe there and the natural environment in which you are located. On the pedestrian part: Locate yourself easily with the geolocated and interactive map. Effortlessly find all the animals in the pedestrian part, food outlets, toilets, souvenir shop, picnic areas and many other points of interest. To get there quickly, simply follow the route offered by the application. PLAN YOUR DAY Do you absolutely want to attend the commented feeding of the Chimpanzees or that of the Cheetahs? To make sure you don't miss anything, all you have to do is consult the list of daily events and set a reminder for those you don't want to miss. The application will notify you 15 minutes before the start of the activity to give you time to get there by following the suggested route. DISCOVER WHILE YOU HAVE FUN The little extras of this application: observe and learn while having fun! Are you an observer and do you feel like a field naturalist? So do not hesitate to check off the animals you have observed during your visit to find out if you are missing any, and discover your level of exploration. Will you be a simple “Bronze Tourist” or will you win the illustrious “Platinum Zoologist” trophy? You are rather cerebral, so try to solve the quiz in 10 steps: 10 questions related to animals, conservation and the Réserve Africaine de Sigean. A doubt about an answer? Do not panic, the application tells you where you can find the answer to the question that troubles you. A little surprise awaits in souvenir shop all those who have obtained a faultless performance! The application is available in four languages: French, English, Spanish and Catalan. This application and its use are completely free. To take full advantage of this application: - remember to authorize the application to access your GPS position to benefit from real-time geolocation on the park. - remember to authorize the notifications for this application to receive the animations reminder which you will have programmed.
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Totes les sèries i programes del SX3, a les teves mans! Al món S3, pensat per als més petits, t’hi esperen el Mic, el Titó, "El Món del Pot Petit", "Els contes de la Pinya", les cançons dels Fa La La i sèries com "El xai Shaun", “Numberblocks”, “Masha i l’os”, “Les tres bessones” i molts més amics que et faran cantar, ballar i gaudir... també en anglès! Si ets més de l’X3, aquí trobaràs les sèries i programes que més ho peten! Anime, videoclips, ciència, cuina, aventures i molts riures. Et faràs fan dels Beta, seguidor del "Ràndom", t'informaràs amb l'"InfoK" i t'ho passaràs genial amb molts altres programes. I, si ets súper, el teu carnet anirà amb tu, vagis on vagis. Amb l’app del SX3 podràs tenir el carnet virtual sempre a la butxaca. Aprofita’l! És la teva clau d’entrada a la comunitat i t’obrirà les portes a un món d’experiències, activitats gratuïtes i concursos exclusius. Temps d’ús Els adults trobareu la possibilitat de triar quant de temps voleu que els petits de la casa tinguin l’app del SX3 a les mans. Això és el nou SX3, tot un món a les teves mans. Som SX3. I tu?
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December 16, 2024