The Flight Computer Teacher app analytics for February 14

The Flight Computer Teacher

The Flight Computer Teacher

  • Paul Bruikman
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
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This is a real moving 100% functional digital version of the classic flight computer. On top of that, this a training app, designed to help you master the flight computer by solving it over and over again until you get it right. Improve your flight computer skills! An E6B flight computer is the circular slide rule calculator on the opposite side of your wind computer. There are already many E6B apps out there and they all allow you to convert everything. This app is very different. It can solve conversions like many others but it is also a teaching tool: * It replaces that list of practise questions in your study book. How? It generates those questions for you and then points out on the E6B how to solve them! * Moves like a real E6B flight computer * Generates practice questions for all those tricky conversions like CAS-TAS, MACH-TAS and True Altitude * Show you how exactly to solve a conversion on the E6B itself! You can choose the type of question Are you training for your PPL, CPL, ATPL exam? Experience learns that most candidates run out of time if they are not quick enough with the Flight Computer. * This app will help you master your flight computer and develop those mad E6B skills. * Use it to generate practise questions for yourself or your students The wind side will follow in future updates
The Flight Computer Teacher

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The Flight Computer Teacher

February 14, 2025