St. Paul's Colorado Springs app analytics for December 17

St. Paul's Colorado Springs

St. Paul's Colorado Springs

  • St. Pauls United Methodist Church (Colorado Springs)
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Education
St. Paul's UMC in Colorado Springs is a big-tent church where all of God's people find belonging. We affirm the diversity in creation, celebrate God's work through us, and seek to transform the world around us through the image and teachings of Christ. Our worship services are classical in style where music and liturgy are at the forefront of the experience. This app will help you stay connected with the church digitally through your prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Use this app to watch live worship, give your tithes and offerings, connect with zoom fellowship and church meetings, and find out about the latest missions and ministries of the Church.
St. Paul's Colorado Springs

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The Store Rank is based on multiple parameters set by Google and Apple.

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December 17, 2024