Metal Drum Loops 2 app analytics for December 16

Metal Drum Loops 2

Metal Drum Loops 2

  • Abu Studio Inc
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Music
Are you looking for the ultimate Metal practice app?   Look no further here is Metal Drum Loops If you are a beginner, this is great to boost your shredding skills If you are an advanced musician this is a great songwriting tool. + Simply tap a button and blast essential metal drum loops by a legendary Death Metal drummer Don Tardy + Record and use with other apps that support Audiobus and Ableton Link + Create a song that you can mix on one device without wifi. + Share you music with the world. + Breakneck blast beats performed by Obituary drummer Don Tardy + Produced by Joe Cincotta at Full Force Studio + Get your idea out quickly and efficiently - No SEQUENCING Single tap drum app. - No BPM ALL EAR TRAINING - Packed with studio quality drum loops - Easy to use universal design. - Designed to put professionally recorded drum loops into a lightweight and fun package. Live drummer are an absolute necessity in Metal performances but while you create music this app keeps you on beat. Download Now
Metal Drum Loops 2

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December 16, 2024