Shuffle by Album & More: iana app analytics for December 15

Shuffle by Album & More: iana

Shuffle by Album & More: iana

  • Martin Zoeller
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Music
EXPERIENCE YOUR MUSIC COLLECTION IN APPLE MUSIC THE WAY THAT SUITS YOU BEST iana lets you rediscover long-forgotten albums or songs in your media library. Listen to different artists, albums and genres every day and get the most out of your collection. – THOUSANDS OF SONGS, JUST A TAP AWAY - THAT'S HOW WE MAKE THE MOST OF IT: PLAYLIST CREATOR - Create random playlists FROM YOUR MEDIA LIBRARY - FILTER suggestions by artist, album or genre - Choose which songs are included in the playlist and which are not - Choose the PERFECT LENGTH for every situation: your workout, a train journey, a walk or a road trip - TRANSFER your playlists to Apple Music – ALBUM SHUFFLE - For the moment when you don't know which album to listen to - Shuffle for whole albums, just like you know it from back in the day - Shuffle several albums at once and put together a selection that you can play with one tap - iana browses through your music collection until an album appeals to you - Remind yourself of old masterpieces you haven't listened to in ages - Discover albums you didn't even know you had - Many other features such as listening history or autoplay of albums - Also works with Shortcuts! – iana works with your local media library and Apple Music. Third-party providers such as Spotify are currently not supported. – iana was made for real fans: we appreciate artists and their work and bring albums back to the forefront. Algorithms and "discovering new things" is great. But getting lost in the depths of a particular band or songwriter is also great. Just like remembering old concerts or the goold old days. iana makes exactly that tangible again.
Shuffle by Album & More: iana

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December 15, 2024