Filo: Homework & Exam Help vs NEET Prep App by Darwin Usage & Stats

Filo is the world's only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions. Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in short, do whatever it takes to assist the student in that very moment. More than 2.2 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo for assignment help, homework help, exam help, understanding concepts, solving problems and doing revisions. We have over 60,000+ active tutors, making us the largest community of tutors in the world. Get online Maths tutoring, SAT preparation help, PSAT preparation help, school exam help, homework help, assignment help and understand tough subjects like - physics, chemistry, biology, maths and many more! Live 1-to-1 solutions for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, among other topics and exam preparation help for GED test, SAT, PSAT, NMSQT, HiSET, ACT, AP, and IELTS among others. Practice mock tests & question papers for SAT, school and other examinations. Maths tutors are available with other subjects like physics, chemistry, biology and more... Why Filo is a valuable application for students? - Filo has been designed keeping in mind the different learning capabilities of individual students - Filo has developed an ecosystem of tutors and students which is powered by technology, enabling them to have real conversations that are personalized. - Students have to take a picture of any question, doubt or textbook paragraphs, or they can also type their questions. After submitting, they will get connected to a qualified tutor within 60 seconds. - Students get the entire explanation, steps and solution from a teacher in real time over a video or audio call - It is a concept and question-clearing app where students get personalized sessions from experts over a video call - Students can understand each and every step on the call & can cross-question till the concept is not clear - Students can interrupt the tutor as many times as they want and get concepts cleared - Students can improve their scores on SAT and other exams on Filo - Learning is available 24*7 - It's an app to connect & discuss with top IITians - Ask questions anytime, anywhere and on any topic - Get exam preparation help for SATs, ACT, AP, IELTS, IB MYP, IB DP & GED Test Study Revision, question & concepts clearing. If you are studying in grades 8th-12th Filo is the best self-study app. Just post your question and an expert tutor will solve it in the best possible way. Learn concepts and solutions for physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and English language Arts from grades 6th-12th. Filo can also help you get more advanced exam preparation help for SAT, ACT, AP, and GED tests and various other important exams 24X7. We cater to grades 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th classes. Subjects include Maths, Science, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & more. Clear your concepts on Filo anytime during the day. - Easiest way to prepare for competitive exams like SATs - Math question-solving app - Physics question-solving app - Chemistry question-solving app - Clear your concepts on Filo anytime during the day. - Easiest way to prepare for competitive exams like SATs - Math question-solving app - Physics question-solving app - Chemistry question-solving app Other Awards - - Winner of Best Education Startup of the Year 2022 by Entrepreneur India Awards - Winner of Job Creator of the Year 2022 by Amazon Awards - Winner of Best Learning Platform of the Year 2022 by International Glory Awards - Winner of Best Tutoring Solution of the Year 2022 by Indian Education Awards
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99% of NEET 2023 Questions were from Darwin App! Must have NTA NEET test prep app with daily free online test series for NEET 2024, comprehensive notes, chapter wise NEET practice questions, NEET solved papers, 3000+ NEET biology flashcards and NEET UG question bank of 33,000+ topic-wise MCQs. Evaluate your NEET 2024 preparation with 30+ years of NEET previous year question papers, full syllabus NEET mock test, NEET exam practice tests with explained solutions and breakthrough analytics. Most authentic NEET question bank to solve objective physics NEET questions, NEET biology MCQs, chemistry NEET practice questions designed as per the latest syllabus of NEET 2024. Recall learnings from NEET book for medical with free NEET study material present on this neetprep app. Practice NEET previous papers, free mock tests for NEET exam, study from NEET notes for biology, physics & chemistry, and revise effectively on this neet 2024 prep app. Best NEET doubt solving app which allows you to share NEET handwritten notes, NEET free books. MCQ Practice with ~33,000 NEET MCQs - All users can practice 8000+ NEET Questions for free! Unlike other NTA NEET preparation apps that hardly provide NEET previous 10 years of question papers, we have 30+ years NEET previous papers. Avail solved neet previous year questions of NEET 2023, old AIPMT, AIIMS, JIPMER, MHT-CET, CITEE, along with NEET last year question paper with solution Comprehensive NEET notes for physics, chemistry and NEET biology to strengthen your concepts. Detailed explanations for each NEET physics, NEET chemistry and NEET biology question. Important NEET questions that you study in coaching institutes like Aakash, Allen test my prep, or online NEET apps like iris, Byjus, physics wallah, national neet abhyas app, unacademy extramarks, NEET, neetshaala & Toppr PrepDNA - Identify weaknesses that require more practice and preparation for NEET 2024 exam. It acts as an online NEET guide to improve your NEET result NEET Chapterwise Question Bank - will help you with NEET chapter wise mcq for chemistry, biology, and physics along with explained solutions and in-depth NEET study material Daily Free NEET Mock Tests - based on NEET previous year papers from NEET UG, old AIPMT, AIIMS, JIPMER and other medical UG exam Daily Revision - of mistakes in NTA NEET mock tests in last three days to help you strengthen your concepts for NEET exam QuestionDNA - Difficulty analysis for each question on this NEET MCQ app EffortDNA - Get to know the amount and direction of effort you put in your NEET prep Discussion Forum - Allows discussing NEET questions and NEET doubts on discussion forum which makes it best NEET doubt solving app. Best NEET app for study to share NEET notes, NEET updates, NEET free books & free study material for NEET UG 2024 We are also receiving requests to add the following features- NEET Video Lectures NEET preparation in hindi NEET audiobooks Online NEET preparation books NEET prep offline app features NEET free online classes NEET NCERT Questions NEET offline test series DARWIN can help you win in NEET UG exams, whether you are preparing for NEET 2024, NEET 2025 or NEET 2026. SUBSCRIPTION AND PRICING TERMS Darwin offers a monthly subscription option for Premium membership. Darwin Premium monthly: Rs. 1199 This price is for customers in India, and pricing varies by location. Your subscription will automatically renew within 24 hours before the end of the current period at the price of the subscription and your payment card will be charged through your iTunes account. Refunds will not be provided for the unused portion of the term. You can cancel your subscription, or turn off automatic renewal, in the Account Settings section of your App Store or iTunes settings after you have made the purchase. You can review our privacy policy here and our terms of use here
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Filo: Homework & Exam Help VS.
NEET Prep App by Darwin

December 23, 2024