WeCoOwn vs UBVideos Usage & Stats
Share consumption via property co-ownership with family, friends, or members of our networking platform. Post a picture on your timeline of your desired cars, planes, yachts, artworks, wine, collectibles, or real estate properties to buy. Wait for other like-minded potential co-owners to find out about your interests. They may contact you through our posting platform for you to buy, enjoy, rent out to earn income, and manage the booking of these properties together. Existing owners can also list their properties or assets for sale or lease on the affiliated WePropertyowners (WePo) property and asset listing platform.
- Apple App Store
- Free
- Social Networking
Store Rank
- -
UBVideos is a social media video application for sharing videos with your followers
Here are the list of features
- Login/Registration
- Capture video using camera or pick video from the gallery
- Filter and edit your video
- Show your following person post
- Search your friends
- Show Discover post from the public profiles
- Notification for the likes, comments, follow request
- Apple App Store
- Free
- Social Networking
Store Rank
- -
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December 15, 2024