挖财记账-好用的记账本 vs BestTracker - 百事AA记账 Usage & Stats

挖财记账,专注记账服务14年,好品牌值得信赖 存钱记账,迈出理财第一步 【app亮点】 1、个性化DIY -账本封面,首页日历、报表、预算等7大模块定制服务 -自定义类别、账户图标、个性化标签服务 -账单列表样式设置等 2、自动记账,便捷好用 -快捷指令,打开支付宝微信云闪付等账单,双击手机后背自动入账 -快捷指令,唤起语音记账 -周期账,设置好循环周期,到期自动记账 3、账本特色 -个人家庭生意等多种账本类型 -家人同事共享账本,共同记账 4、账单明细 & 账单日历 -明细页,查看各种周期的账单统计和明细记录 -4种账单日历,每日收支一目了然,漏记补账方便快捷 5、特色小组件 -7种小组件,各具特色 -长按编辑小组件,设置账本、记账类型等个性化服务 6、省钱存钱 -支出预算、收入目标、结余目标3种目标,省钱方便,存钱容易 -全部预算、年预算、季预算、月预算、周预算、日预算等6大周期类型 -类别、成员、商家、标签等4类子预算目标,精打细算管到位 7、全方位分析财务报表 -按类别、成员、商家、账户、标签等多维度的报表帮你追踪花销流水,钱花哪儿了一目了然 -收支结余、收支流向等报表,财富积累、花销去哪清晰易懂 8、资金计划管理 -支持日常待收待付、周期账、信用卡还款、借贷还款等,按月、季等维度查看资金需求,做好资金规划 -可靠的提醒服务,重要款项不错过 【功能介绍】 -自动记账:快捷指令支持截图记账、语音记账。周期账自动入账 -手动记账:支持支出、收入、转账、借贷、收支退款等账单录入 -速记/模版记账:保存模板通过模板快速记账,历史账单可复制拷贝快速记账 -预算目标:支出预算、收入目标、结余目标,省钱存钱多种用途 -报销管理:一站式管理待报销明细 -资产管理:通过账户管理资产和负债,资产负债一目了然 -计划管理:录入未来计划开支,资金全面规划,及时提醒,重要款项不怕错过 -多账本:多场景分开记账,也可合并统计管理账单 -共享记账:邀请亲朋好友一起记,共创美好大家庭 -标签备注:每个账单都可以添加多个标签,便于分组管理,如#出差#旅游#团建等 -全方位报表:支持类别、成员、账户、商家、收支结余、收支流向等多维度图形化报表展示,美观专业 -搜索账单:输入关键词,快速全局搜索类别/金额/备注/标签等匹配的账单记录 -账本主题:支持个人自定义账本主题封面,我的账本我做主 -数据安全:支持Face ID/指纹解锁账本。账本数据云端存储,无需担心更换设备导致数据丢失 【会员服务】 1、非连续订阅会员服务: -免广告会员:年会员(18元/年)永久会员(88元) -标准会员:月会员(16元/月) 年会员(108元/年) -超级会员:月会员(32元/月)年会员(218元/年) 2、连续订阅会员自动续费服务: -订阅周期:1个月或1年 -订阅价格:标准会员连续包月(16元/月)、标准会员连续包年(108元/年)、超级会员连续包月(32元/月)、超级会员连续包年(218元/年) -您的iTunes账户会在购买确认后立即扣款 -购买连续订阅会员的帐号,会在每个月到期前24小时,自动在 iTunes 账户扣费并延长1个月或1年会员有效期 -取消订阅应当在会员服务到期前,提前至少 24 小时完成,否则此订阅将继续有效 -如需取消订阅,请手动打开手机「设置」, 进入「Apple ID」,选择「订阅」,选择订阅商品取消订阅即可。 -服务协议: 1)付费会员服务协议:https://www.wacaijizhang.com/ikebana/contract/9B0676121D4556A4AF26C06932E01024 2)连续订阅会员服务协议:https://www.wacaijizhang.com/ikebana/contract/D9BE554ED27FCAEFBAC2FEFA91B8F0E0 3)个人信息保护政策:https://www.wacaijizhang.com/ikebana/contract/EAEC893FA9B1B522366095A8D9E0534D 4)用户服务协议:https://www.wacaijizhang.com/ikebana/contract/38012ACF7FC970516F4C80C0F5AF1EEE 【联系我们】 请关注“挖财记账”微信公众号,点击底部【财友服务】-【产品交流】反馈建议给我们 如果您喜欢我们的服务,请在AppStore留下您的评论,您的支持是我们前进的动力
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Our Features [ Multiple ledgers can be created and shared by many people together] Manage accounts together with lover, Split expenses and revenue with others: trips, housemates, friends, business partner(four kinds of splitting: equal sharing, proportion, shares and exact amounts). [Custom asset account sharing] Each account can be shared to anyone with different authorities. [ AI Voice Recording ] Add a bill by speaking, it is realized classification, amount, currency, time, and description by speaking a sentence, freeing your hands. [ Encrypt Your Device ] It can be accessed through face recognition, fingerprint recognition, password and other methods to protect personal privacy. [ Revolving Income and Payment ] Set up a fixed income and expenditure immediately for the periodical occurrence. Every time when the time comes, the system will automatically record a bill for you, which is suitable for fixed salary or deductions such as rent (mortgage), insurance, fixed fund investment, revolving credit card etc. [ Add Bills by Take a Photo or Screenshot ] When you're inconvenient to speak and don’t have time to add a bill, just pick up your phone and take a picture of the receipt to save the bill quickly [ Multi-function statistical report ] It can display team reports and individual reports anytime, as well as other members' reports. [ Multi-member budget center ] Support multi-user and multi-book budgets, which can be set by day, month, year and different categories. [ Four Splitting options, real-time settlement plan ] Support splitting, share, percentage, specific etc. Keep track of shared income and expenses, balances, and who owes who. [ Import or Export Transactions ] It supports importing transactions and exporting transactions in different formats such as HTML or Excel, Excel include receipts. [ Reminder Notification ] Each ledger can be set up for repayment reminders, overspending reminders, billing reminders, member change notifications, etc. [ Calendar money tracker ] Group members can track income, expenses and balances under the calendar style. For more Information:http://www.bestrie.com [Instructions on automatic renewal of VIP subscription] --Subscription period: 1-month VIP (continuous monthly payment), 3-month VIP (continuous seasonal payment), 12-month VIP (continuous annual payment). —Subscription price: Auto renew by monthly payment; Auto renew by quarterly payment (every 3 months); Auto renew by annual payment (every 12 months). --Payment: It will be credited to the iTunes account upon purchase confirmation and payment by the users. --Renewal cancellation: If you want to cancel the renewal, please manually terminate the automatic renewal in the iTunes/Apple ID settings management 24 hours prior to the expiry of the current subscription period. --Renewal: Deduction will be made from Apple’s iTunes account within 24 hours prior to expiration. Once successfully made, the subscription period will be extended for another period of the same. --Term of Service:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/z2fsZtlte3BmNtE88_I9_Q --Privacy policy:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PmIw0CI2Et3IxycDOoa--w --VIP subscription rule:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BM5fvf7CyQfLGTj7YFjI8w --website:http://www.bestrie.com
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挖财记账-好用的记账本 VS.
BestTracker - 百事AA记账

March 17, 2025