Filmzie vs 123Movies ™ Usage & Stats
Filmzie is a free and 100% legal platform for streaming high-quality movies, mostly from independent filmmakers and small studios. Our goal is to support the independent movie industry, reward filmmakers for their exceptional films and broaden the film community.
Every time our users watch a film on Filmzie, short ads will play that help fund our project and the filmmakers who provide their works to our platform.
There are so many great films out there from extremely talented filmmakers that just don’t get seen by the general public. We are here to change that!
Filmzie has tons of exceptional FREE content, including award-winning movies, the best in independent film, mind-blowing shorts, family movies, enlightening documentaries, and much more.
What you’ll love about Filmzie:
• Hundreds of hours of FREE HD quality movies
• New movies added regularly
• Indie film scene with the best movies and shorts from renowned independent filmmakers
• No subscriptions, no fees – completely FREE movie streaming
• By watching our movies, you support independent filmmakers and small studio productions
All movies on Filmzie are copyright protected and completely legal to watch. See the full terms and conditions here:
Registered users can save movies to watch later and enjoy a cross-platform experience where they can start watching a movie on one device, switch to another and pick up right where they left off. Registration is easy and only takes a minute.
Welcome to Filmzie – Your Free Personal Pocket Cinema!
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123Movies is the simplest and fastest way to discover movies, series and actors.
- Trending movies, series and actors
- Search what you want
- Discover popular movies and series
- Discover popular actors and their filmographies
- The latest videos: trailers, making off ...
- Find a movie or series by genre
- Direct access to video platforms (on compatible platforms)
- Discover the collections
123Movies is an application based on themoviedb (TMDb) database.
We uses data and images by TMDb licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
We uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb:
PS: You cannot play any movie or tv show on this application.
- Apple App Store
- Free
- Entertainment
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March 18, 2025