myUFR - Universität Freiburg app analytics for December 15

myUFR - Universität Freiburg

myUFR - Universität Freiburg

  • Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Education
The App for Students of the University of Freiburg Consult the app for countless study-related events and offers as well as anything else you need for the start of your studies. The app does not collect personal data, but can be tailored to your individual preferences. Features: + Set up a personal profile. + Browse the calendar of events. + Be guided directly to event locations. + Keep track of your own skills throughout your studies with the Skills Check and develop them further with the help of university programmes. + Find university buildings on interactive maps and be guided there. + Check out the daily canteen (Mensa) menus. + Find important contact persons. + Receive interesting and helpful information in the newsfeed [in German]. + Get to know the university with Campus Walks. + Look up everyday university terms in the glossary. + In addition, new students can - put together a personalized program me for the introductory week. - use the study-start checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything important. - view additional information about starting your studies.
myUFR - Universität Freiburg

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December 15, 2024