Buscar.me app analytics for December 15



  • Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Desenvolvimento de Software Eirelli
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Education
Buscar.me is a multi-platform solution that allows Parents and/or Guardians to pick up their kids more safer and faster. Simple to use. Simply notify when you are getting out of home or work to pick up your son our daughter and the app will do the rest. When you get close enough to the school, the application will automatically send the school a notification, so they will be able to prepare he or she to pick up time.

Store Rank

The Store Rank is based on multiple parameters set by Google and Apple.

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Education in
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Buscar.me Ranking Stats Over Time

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Buscar.me Ranking by Country

Counties in which Buscar.me has the highest ranking in its main categories

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December 15, 2024