High Power Wind Lab vs Wind Zero Usage & Stats

High Power Wind Lab is a visualization tool for determining sight corrections based on observed wind conditions. Use High Power Wind Lab on and off the range to interactively explore scenarios and better understand how wind affects the trajectory of a bullet. By changing the wind velocity and wind angle, the High Power Wind Lab shows the calculated correction as well as possible outcomes if the wind angle and velocity are misread. This interactive tool is invaluable for exploring the interplay of wind direction and velocity and the tradeoffs you need to make when deciding when to shoot and what correction to put on your gun. High Power Wind Lab is also an advanced plotting tool for recording both shot placement and wind conditions. Use High Power Wind Lab during your shooting session to reveal predominant conditions and to limit your corrections to known good values. After shooting, review your plots to learn from your experiences. Features of the application include: * true MOA corrections * support for custom ammunition * library of commonly used midrange and long range TR and F-Class target * shot plotting * score calculation * record keeping * tablet support
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
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The Wind Zero is a tool for monitoring and analyzing wind speed and direction from several locations up to a mile away. It utilizes highly accurate ultrasonic wind meters for capturing raw wind data combined with LORA radio transmitters for long distance data transfer to a central receiver.
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Sports

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High Power Wind Lab VS.
Wind Zero

March 21, 2025