Buurtpreventie24 app analytics for February 14



  • Vigilamus BVBA
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Reference
We make our neighborhood SAFER TOGETHER! Through this FREE buurtpreventie24 app you receive push messages as soon as a suspicious vehicle, person or situation is reported in your neighborhood. You can add messages with exact location yourself. So you immediately warn your neighborhood and you help the police to intervene quickly in the right place. Buurtpreventie24 was developed by Vigilamus bvba and is offered to the cities and municipalities. As soon as your municipality signs up on the platform, you will receive an invitation to participate. A coordinator will take care of this in your local neighborhood. Download this app quickly, fill in your details (we will treat them confidentially in accordance with GDPR) and use the neighborhood code on the invitation. With the neighborhood code you will automatically be added to your neighborhood. So keep this code secret so that we do not get unwanted guests in our network. If you do not have a code: no problem. Enter your details and your coordinator will give you access to your neighborhood security network within 48 hours. Why switch from WhatsApp neighbourhood watch groups? Buurtpreventie24 deals more correctly with your privacy, only sends messages that are important for your safety and a push message from our App is more visible than a WhatsApp message between all chats of friends, sports club, family .. We will put the advantages at a glance: - Free smartphone App, easy to use - Governed by the city or municipality in consultation with the local police - Simply register in the App with your own neighbourhood code - Local coordinators support every neighbourhood - Clear alerts without spam or advertising, GDPR compliant Speak to your municipality. Download now for free. This is how we make our neighborhood safe!

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February 14, 2025