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The best financial products in one app VIAC - Your securities solution for investment plans, pillar 3a and vested benefits Discover a simple and cost-effective way to invest with VIAC. Our app offers maximum flexibility and expert support to help you achieve your financial goals. Why invest with VIAC? • Cost-effective with low entry barriers: Invest from as little as CHF 1 - with no minimum deposit, minimum fee or minimum term. • Simple and clean app: Intuitive handling and clear structure for a seamless user experience. • Expert support: Our team is available by phone, chat or email to answer all your questions. • Maximum flexibility: Customize your investment strategy - from interest-bearing accounts to 99% equities, broadly diversified with passive, index-based instruments. Adjust your strategy at any time - at no extra cost. VIAC Life Protect your future: with VIAC Life Basic you receive up to 25% in addition to your savings as a 3a or VB customer in the event of disability or death. With VIAC Life Plus, you can add additional coverage directly in the app. VIAC Mortgage Benefit from exclusive and fair mortgages with top interest rates as a VIAC customer. Download the VIAC app now and benefit!
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January 6, 2025