Ohmywishes: Wishlist and Gifts app analytics for February 14

Ohmywishes: Wishlist and Gifts

Ohmywishes: Wishlist and Gifts

  • Ohmywishes, LLC
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Social Networking
Ohmywishes 3.0 Wishlist service No. 1. Collect your wishlists, look at and reserve the wishes of your loved ones - now you know how to please them. Giving and receiving necessary and valuable gifts is easy. And if you don’t know what to come up with, we’ll tell you. In general terms about the new version: 1. Brand new design. Everything has become much more convenient, beautiful, and faster 2. Business accounts. Selected brands were given the opportunity to promote their products and services. 3. Wish lists. Create thematic lists and distribute wishes by topic: for yourself, for your child, for your home. 4. Editorial selections: we manually collect ideas for you and tell you where to buy them. 5. Secrets of Santa. Play with your loved ones and give each other bright emotions. 6. Gift reserve. No one else will give the same gift. 7. As before, completely free. Our small team has done much work to provide you with the best experience using the service. Your ratings and reviews (sometimes bad) gave us strength and motivation to improve when it was hard. Thank you for being with us all this time. If you encounter any difficulties or problems with the service or would like to tell us about your ideas for improvement, write us hello@ohmywishes.ru We read and respond to absolutely all letters. Team Ohmywishes
Ohmywishes: Wishlist and Gifts

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