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Doctoralia for specialists vs Pega Plantão Usage & Stats
You can now access your Docplanner agenda from your smartphone! This brand new app is faster, easier to use and more intuitive. With the Docplanner app you will be able to check your bookings, create new appointments or view all your patients’ information in one single place.
What can I use this app for?
See a summary of all your appointments for today
Create new appointments at the time of your choice with just one click
Access to the basic information of all your patients
If you have any doubt about how to use this app (or would like to suggest any new feature you’d like to have), please contact us at support-uk@doctoralia.com. We'll be happy to help!
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O Pega Plantão é a solução final para o controle de escalas médicas e da saúde. Com ele fica fácil a comunicação do coordenador de escalas com os profissionais. Nesse aplicativo o profissional acessa a agenda que o seu coordenador montou, troca plantões, recebe anúncios de cobertura, alertas sobre as escalas e o coordenador gera os pagamentos com 1 clique. É muita vantagem para o seu grupo de trabalho. Baixe o aplicativo e indique para o seu coordenador de escala.
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December 14, 2024