Horago app analytics for February 14



  • Antea ApS
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Food & Drink
Horago makes it incredible easy for everyone to order and pay at F&B establishments around the world. It's as simple as scanning a QR code, order, pay, done! The whole process completed in a few simple steps, and you are now free to sit back, relax and enjoy life with the rest of the party. We allow for ordering, a seamless payment process and even requesting a waiter to the table with a single click in the app. With our focus on being a platform to make life easier for F&B operators, as well as consumers, we have created the one-stop solution for both sides of the platform. Now that you have the Horago app, you can also pre-order a quick lunch for grab & go or order your favourite items delivered from your local restaurants. On top of all the goodies above, we enable our app users to easily track their loyalties within Horago. No more paper cards for a free coffee or a paper flyer to save 10% on your next order. Everything is stored in Horago and never gets lost! We make sure you redeem your hard-earned loyalties always. Horago gotcha!

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Horago Ranking by Country

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February 14, 2025