Behaviour of concern app analytics for February 14

Behaviour of concern

Behaviour of concern

  • Sara Carlsson
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Medical
Behaviour of concern is an app designed to keep track of the levels of arousal at different times of the day in order to be able to draw conclusions about the behavioural patterns of violent outbursts and conflicts. The app was developed in collaboration with psychologists who have long experience of using the low arousal approach and working with persons displaying behaviours of concern. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare recommends the low arousal approach in the treatment of people with inadequate affect regulation, in order to, in the moment, prevent or reduce behaviours of concern. This may involve, for example, people with autism spectrum disorders and ADHD. It can also involve children who are developing, and in their attempts towards independence have difficulties with affect regulation. The app can be used by professionals or parents who need help to see patterns in everyday life and by doing that try to create changes that reduce unwanted behaviours and increase positive interactions. This is a tool that facilitates tracking of severe behaviours of concern and outbursts that disrupt daily life. Warning behaviours, which are a bit lower in their level of arousal, but still signal that everything is not going smooth, may also be tracked using the app. After a period of use, it will be possible to see if there are days or times of the day where outbreaks and chaos are recurring. If you make changes in everyday routines or in response to a conflict situation, you can, after some time, find out if the changes have had an effect on the amount of outbursts. By using the tool, working proactively and managing behaviours of concern using the low arousal approach, we can avoid serious conflicts and dangerous restraints. The low arousal approach is a method that protects the right of children and functionally-challenged individuals not to be subjected to practices that are dangerous or that can be perceived as offensive. If you want to learn more about how to understand and deal with behaviours of concern, you can read the literature by among others, psychologist Bo Hejlskov Elvén, about the low arousal approach and behaviour of concern. The founders of the website "Pedagogiskt kapital", Daniel Elvén and Carita-Li Smyth, together with other psychologists, want to provide different perspectives on how we can solve problems in a way that increases people's experience of participation and security. IMPORTANT: Handle collected data with care since it can contain personal information.
Behaviour of concern

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February 14, 2025