Helios - Expense management vs 平安健康保险-买保险,就上平安健康保险APP Usage & Stats

1. Connection of multi business trip scenarios Connected to hotel, flight ticket, train, cab, business expenses, conference booking and etc. with Helios platform, easy and fast arrangement for your business trip, no more advanced payment, no more physical receipt submitting. 2. Compliance approval of multi budget dimensions Perfectly implement the budget editing/control via item details and expense standard to have real time excess warning. Control consistency and compliancy spending on every single expense item. 3. Multi-angle control analysis of process All levels of leadership can analyze the expenses via angles of department, project and employee to control the business management and analysis. Create an one stop solution to complete the operations of approval batch, payment, export payment documents. 4. Multi-form of invoice intelligent management Besides manually filling the invoice information, you can also scan the QR code to identify, check and verify invoice automatically. And, even retrieve the e-bill information directly from WeChat, Alipay card package and other 3rd party applications. Structured collation, online review and statistics. 5. Multi-platform and speedy processing Quick checking on personal reimbursement, review progress at any time, mobile platform, PC side multi-platform support, can make use of 'fragment time' to submit or approve reimbursement applications, improve business management efficiency. 6. Real time data diversification Data cloud storage, easy synchronization, diversified presentation of complex data, cross-analysis of multi-dimensional cost data, real time control of organizational expenses, providing a visual global perspective for enterprise. 7. Global supported version Support multi-language, multi-currency, international cloud deployment to fulfill enterprises global demand. 8. Customizable and high flexibility configuration and processing It can be connected with various financial software, automatically generate accounting documents and can customize exclusive reimbursement and application configuration according to requirements.
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『平安健康保险』APP是中国平安集团平安健康保险股份有限公司官方APP。作为集保险保障、就医服务、健康管理为一体的健康守护平台,『平安健康保险』APP5.0全新升级,并推出“乐健康”会员权益及健康激励体系,围绕“关注健康、促进健康、奖励健康”,为用户提供健康主题海量内容、品牌商城专属折扣、运动得积分赢奖励活动,实现“越健康、越奖励”,守护亿万家庭健康! 【关于平安健康保险】 平安健康保险股份有限公司作为我国首批设立的专业健康保险公司,于2005年成立,总部设立在上海,是\"世界500强\"企业——中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司的重要成员公司。 『平安健康保险』致力于为用户提供\"省心、省时、又省钱\"的一站式健康解决方案,创新性推出就医理赔一体化服务模式,拥有100+款全覆盖、高特色的保险产品,为用户带来“主动的全流程诊疗陪伴”,是全国1.2亿家庭的共同选择。 【APP5.0全新升级】 守护您和家人健康,全国1.2亿家庭的共同选择。我们让保障更简单、生活更安心。『平安健康保险』APP 5.0聚焦“家庭健康”,通过乐健康会员权益及健康激励体系,为用户带来更多健康服务和保障。您的健康生活,『平安健康保险』APP来守护! 【会员权益】 6大会员等级,从青铜闯关到黑钻,越健康越奖励。兼具趣味性和科学性,提醒并陪伴您完成“健康任务”获取“健康分”提升会员等级,还能获得专属健康折扣、会员健康礼遇等限定权益,让您沉浸式体验“越健康、越奖励”。 【健康商城】 为您精选家庭保障,医疗、重疾、意外险与健康服务。覆盖您和家人的每一个健康需求。 丰富的产品选择覆盖衣食住行,360°满足您的不同使用场景需求! 【专属管家】 助您轻松完成在线投保、急速理赔、就医服务。繁琐流程触手可及,专属管家随时在您身边。 家庭风险保障测评,为您提供定制化保障方案,让您获得更多保障! 极速高效理赔,一键上传理赔资料,在线查看理赔进展,省心省时省钱! 【精选内容】 覆盖运动、饮食、心理、睡眠、健康服务等,个性化兴趣标签满足每个家庭成员的健康需求,更有精彩健康活动等您来解锁!划走亚健康,从这一刻开始! 【免责声明】 您在平安健康保险平台获得的健康咨询等服务由合作方提供,仅供用户参考,不作为诊断、治疗的依据,不能取代医学诊断或处方,如您有不适请及时线下就医。服务期间内因合作方原因造成客户损失的,由合作方承担全部责任。具体服务内容、服务流程及付费服务价格等请以产品详情页和服务手册、服务合同内容为准。 投资有风险,入市需谨慎
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Helios - Expense management VS.

March 21, 2025