123Play app analytics for February 14



  • David Buhauer
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Entertainment
This app is a guidance to the Itunes Store so the movies and tv-shows you like are easy to find on Itunes Store just on a click of a button. Among other things it gives you an overview of which movies are currently playing in theaters and which ones are the most popular ones. If the play button is green it means it is available on the Itunes Store. 123Play has something for everyone. There is an explore section with all genres and a search function to search for any movie, TV series or actor. Get the latest information about the movie you like or your favorite movie actor. How does 123Play work? - 123Play keeps getting more facts about TV series and movies directly from the 3rd party TMDb service. General features: - Top rated movies - Upcoming movies - Now playing movies - Popular movies - Popular TV shows - Top rated TV shows - On the air TV shows - Airing today TV shows - Popular people So why wait? Get it now!

Store Rank

The Store Rank is based on multiple parameters set by Google and Apple.

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My Movies & TV Shows Watchlist

My Movies & TV Shows Watchlist

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123Play VS.

February 14, 2025