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Legal Dictionary vs State Statute & Federal Law Usage & Stats
Legal Dictionary by Farlex gives you free, instant access to more than 14,500 legal terms and over 13,500 audio pronunciations from authoritative sources trusted by attorneys, including West's Encyclopedia of American Law.
Whether you're an attorney, law student, or looking to better understand complex legal advice, this free legal dictionary app can help you find clear, in-depth definitions of legal terminology right on your iPhone or iPad. Search thousands of definitions, including detailed entries on:
Legal terms and concepts
US law and the Constitution
Important legal cases
Individuals significant to the history of law
+ much more…
* Search 14,500+ legal terms, including extensive info on US law and the Constitution. Plus offline content.
* Save unlimited bookmarks. Perfect for studying for the LSAT.
* Use native voice search to look up a word just by saying it. (With supported devices)
* See search suggestions as you type and always find what you're looking for.
* View your recent searches.
* Perform advanced searches, including "Starts with," "Ends with," "Contains," and "Wildcard."
* Listen to 13,500+ audio pronunciations for both American and British speakers in online mode.
* Share definitions via social networks, email, and text. (With supported devices)
User-friendly, comprehensive, and authoritative: Legal Dictionary by Farlex is the perfect free legal app for lawyers, legal professionals, law school students, and anyone looking to decipher legal jargon and better understand legal advice. This is NOT a preview or a trial version, and there is no "locked" content. Open the app on your iPhone or iPad and immediately access all content — no subscriptions required!
How do we do it?
TheFreeDictionary.com - Farlex apps have been downloaded tens of millions times across multiple platforms, with top ratings after hundreds of thousands of reviews. We work with the best publishers to bring together trusted content in the most comprehensive, authoritative dictionary apps on the market. Our flagship app is The Free Dictionary (TFD), powered by TheFreeDictionary.com. Find our other apps by searching "Dictionary by Farlex" in the App Store.
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- Reliably fresh data.
- Easy to read/use format
- Offline access
- Bookmark/Favorites
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- Complete records
- Compatible with dark mode
- Notes stored in iCloud
- Backup favorites in iCloud
- Corporate Sponsorship now available
State and Federal Legal resource for AZ, CA, CT, CO, DC, FL, HI, ID, IL, IN, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, ND, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TX, US, UT, VA, WI and WY including Motor Vehicle Laws, Criminal Code, US Code (USC) and many more.
This app contains laws, statutes, titles, codes, rules, USC and other data for the following States and Commonwealths:
District of Columbia
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
US Code
An app designed for Law Enforcement, Lawyers and other Legal professionals.
This app includes Law titles to the aforementioned states, commonwealths and US Code. As the app develops, more states will be added. App includes several paid and free titles along with the option to purchase complete sets. Popular titles include Motor Vehicle Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Civil Law, Tax Law, Insurance Codes, Education Codes. NJ Title 2C, Title 39, PA Title 18, Title 75, Penal Codes of New York and Texas and many more.
For requests to add states and/or titles, please contact us via email.
Contents Include:
- includes 69 Connecticut Law Titles (CT Law)
- includes 54 Titles of the United States Code (USC)
- includes 68 New Jersey Statute Titles (NJ Law)
- includes 132 New York Titles (Consolidated Statutes, Unconsolidated Statutes, Court Acts and Misc Titles) (NJ Law)
- includes 49 District of Columbia Titles (DC Law)
- includes 47 Pennsylvania statute titles (PA Law)
- includes 76 titles for the state of Virginia (VA Law)
- includes 30 Texas Law titles (TX Law)
- includes 59 Nevada Revised Statute Titles (NV Law)
- includes 45 Colorado Revised Statute Titles (An officially sanctioned publication using the official text of the Colorado Revised Statutes) (CO Law)
- includes 309 North Carolina Law Chapters (NC Laws)
- includes 236 Law chapters from the State of Michigan (MI Law).
- includes all 33 Code Titles for the State of Indiana (IN Law).
- includes 84 Law Titles for the State of Oklahoma (OK Law).
- includes 53 active United States Code Law Titles (USC Law).
- includes 48 Law Titles from the State of Florida (FL Law).
- includes 30 California Law Titles (CA Law)
- includes 101 Minnesota Law Titles (MN Law)
- includes 63 South Carolina law titles (SC Law)
- includes 41 Hawaii Revised Statute Law Titles (HI Law)
- includes 47 Arizona Revised Statute Law Titles (AZ Law)
- includes 34 Ohio Revised Code titles (OH Law)
- includes the Wisconsin State Statutes (WI Law)
- includes the Wyoming State Statutes. (WY Law)
- includes the North Dakota Century Code. (ND Law)
- Includes the State of Rhode Island General Laws (RI Law)
- Includes the Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Laws (MA Law)
- Includes the State of Maine Statutes (ME Law)
- Includes the State of Illinois (ILCS)
- Includes Maryland Law and Rules (MD Law)
- Includes Missouri Law (MO Law)
- Includes Delaware Code (DE Law)
- Includes Florida Law (FL Law)
All titles update on a regular basis as new data becomes available.
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December 15, 2024