Quranic Arabic app analytics for December 16

Quranic Arabic

Quranic Arabic

  • Syed Hassan
  • Apple App Store
  • Free
  • Education
Want to understand the verses of the Holy Quran as you read them without looking at the translation? A lightweight text based app. For the people who can already recite Quran in Arabic, this app is a 1. A step-by-step journey of memorizing the Quranic words and learning how to translate Quranic verses. 2. An easy to learn complete digital Quran comprehension course that enables you to understand The Holy Quran as you recite. 3. Want to learn Arabic language but have been struggling? Use this app and you will acquire a good understanding of the Arabic language, constructs, words and then can proceed further to advanced levels of learning Arabic language. Note 1: This app is for the users who can read Quranic verses and now want to learn the meanings. This app does not teach you basic arabic letters or how to pronounce. Note 2: This app is free and will remain free, so far we have released a few lessons and will be increasing more. We have a shortage of resources and trying to release all the lessons in the coming months. How it works 4. You first learn high frequency Qur’anic words with basic grammar rules. 5. You practice words and translating the verses in the app. 6. When you recite Quran regularly, your recitation is your practice! Key features: 7. Lessons are full of very effective exercises, from words, phrases to verses. 8. After doing just Level 1 (16 lessons) you will have memorized 4,900 words from The Holy Quran that makes around 65% of Qur’anic words. 9. You can build your own list of 'My Words' in the app and practice them alone. 10. The 'Failed Words' list automatically add the words you fail in 'Single Word' exercise. You target is to keep the failed words list empty! 11. App pops up a word from the current lesson words list, My Words list or Failed words list at your pre-specified times daily 12. We have a Facebook page where you can go (of course you can like the page!) and post you questions and comments. Important: Please do not rush from lesson to lesson by just memorizing the words, you need to learn by practice how to breakup arabic words and make sense of sentences. Please ensure you have done verse exercises before proceeding to the next lesson. Take your time, do lessons properly, only then you will develop a fast translation skill as you read. We are hopeful that we can build a community of Quran learners where anyone can help anyone. Alternatively you can also contact us on email.
Quranic Arabic

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December 16, 2024