
Analyze Shopper Demographics for Every Category and Brand – January Update

Analyze Shopper Demographics for Every Category and Brand – January Update

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Getting to know your customers

Everyone buys on marketplaces, right? But what makes Amazon or Target shoppers unique? What differentiates your brand’s customers from the ones that buy your competitor’s products?

Knowing your shoppers is the first step in optimizing your marketplace marketing strategy. But, as you know, marketplaces are walled gardens. Getting a hold of consumer demographic data usually requires surveys and market research reports which take time. Worse, they’re often not granular enough and don’t provide actionable insights.

Luckily, there’s an easier way to get to know your marketplace customers.

Uncover shopper demographic characteristics

Now you can use Shopper Demographics to analyze different shopper characteristics for every brand and category on amazon.com. You can break them down by age, gender, education level, household size and income level, and employment status.

Shopper Demographics

By knowing exactly who’s shopping, you can:

  • Optimize your product portfolio to fit your audience
  • Adjust your pricing strategy to match shoppers’ income level and employment status
  • Fine-tune your marketing messages to emphasize needle-moving product features

We’re starting with demographic data for amazon.com, and will expand to more retailers later this year.

Ready to give it a try?

Log in to Shopper Intelligence and put these new features to the test.

Don’t have access yet? Reach out to your account manager or contact us for more details.

Thanks for reading and see you on the next product update.

by Anat Avshalom

Senior Product Marketing Manager at Similarweb

Anat, with 10+ years in marketing, creates data-driven products for eCommerce. Based in Tel Aviv, she enjoys Israel’s beaches, baking, and yoga.

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