Similarweb Product Updates: The January 2024 Edition

While you guys were all busy signing up to the gym in January (or sighing at the influx of new gym-goers taking up the machines), we were pretty active – just not with a treadmill or weights.
In January 2024, we released a bunch of updates across our features. 💪
Because there’s no Strava for Similarweb product updates, how about we go into detail now?
Rank Tracker updates
First up, we’re in Rank Tracker where we introduced three fresh updates:
1) A brand new keyword position view
Making your computer screens a little more scenic and making the endless task of rank tracking both quicker and more efficient, we’ve added a color-coded report to show where your keywords rank, where they’re rising and dropping over time – whether that be by day, week or month.
2) Your overall performance by rank
We’ve also added a new overview report so you can see your overall performance, grouped by position. Is your percentage of keywords in positions 1-3 climbing? You’re about to find out.
3) Google algorithm notations
Sometimes, changes in the SERP have nothing to do with you or your content – sometimes, it’s just Google doing its thing (whether we like it or not). That’s why we’ve added notations of all Google algorithm updates – including all historic updates – to highlight how they may have impacted your rankings.
Brand Protection updates
1) New advertisers report
Here’s another way to make sure you never miss a beat with your paid marketing efforts with our Brand Protection tool: our brand new Advertisers report. See all your paid competitors, their share of voice, ad content and performance in one, single view. Easy!
2) Alerts when you want alerts
We’ve also upgraded our alerts. You can now choose between daily or weekly emails to alert you when a rival bids on your keywords, so you’re always in-the-know.
Shopper Intelligence updates
And finally, brand new to Shopper Intelligence, we’ve got keyword lists. Say goodbye to having to spend lots of time analyzing keywords individually – now you can group keywords together to analyze topics. That way you can stay on top of consumer trends, and gain more impactful insights for your Amazon strategy.
Give kudos for January
Don’t go thinking that us being so active is just a “new year, new us” January claim. We’re in it for the long haul, and we’ve got lots planned for 2024 – we’ll be sure to keep you updated along the way.
Stay tuned for February. 👀
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