Sales Sales Intelligence

Infographic: Understanding your prospects

Infographic: Understanding your prospects

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Finding the right prospect and understanding their business is key to an effective sales process.

Gymshark has experienced rapid growth in the last few years to become a core player in the sport and athleisure industry. Despite this rapid growth, using Market Intelligence data we can identify further opportunities for growth against industry incumbents such as Nike.

In this infographic, we explore how we can examine an example Gymshark as a prospect to:

  1. See if they are high potential and a good fit
  2. How we can use Market Intelligence to open the door and close the deal

Infographic: Understanding your prospects

Market intelligence is a lever your company should be pulling when engaging with your prospects. It allows your sales team to be specific, and to personalize each conversation to be valuable for your prospects.

We partnered with HubSpot to create a guide that will help step up your game.

You’ll get a set of email templates that you can use in your conversations with prospects – everything from benchmarking against the competition to identify growth opportunities for your prospect.

Infographic: Understanding your prospects

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