

最后更新时间:三月 22, 2025

最后更新时间:三月 22, 2025

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11JW LibraryJehovah's Witnesses图书与参考资料1=
22Amazon KindleAmazon Mobile LLC图书与参考资料21
33YouVersion Bible App + AudioLife.Church图书与参考资料31
44Google Play Books & AudiobooksGoogle LLC图书与参考资料42
55ReadEra – book reader pdf epubREADERA LLC图书与参考资料51
66Wattpad - Read & Write StoriesWattpad.com图书与参考资料61
77Audible: Audio EntertainmentAudible, Inc.图书与参考资料7=
88Goodreads: Book ReviewsGoodreads图书与参考资料84
99Bible Offline-KJV Holy BibleBíblia Offline图书与参考资料91
1010WikipediaWikimedia Foundation图书与参考资料102
1111Gospel LibraryThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints图书与参考资料11=
1212DeepL: translate & writeDeepL SE图书与参考资料123
1313Reverso Translate and LearnReverso Technologies Inc.图书与参考资料13=
1414Storytel - Audiobooks & BooksStorytel Sweden AB图书与参考资料14=
1515eBoox: ePub PDF e-book ReaderReadingApp图书与参考资料15=
1616SpanishDictionary.com LearningCuriosity Media图书与参考资料16=
1717Diccionario RAE y ASALE (DLE)Soporte de la Real Academia Española图书与参考资料171
1818Everand: Ebooks and audiobooksScribd, Inc.图书与参考资料181
1919Hallow: Prayer & MeditationHallow, Inc.图书与参考资料192
2020WordReference.com dictionariesWordReference.com图书与参考资料20=
2121Moon+ ReaderMoon+图书与参考资料212
2222Sky MapSky Map Devs图书与参考资料221
2323Sacred MusicThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints图书与参考资料231
2424Libby, the Library AppOverDrive, Inc.图书与参考资料242
2525Pleco Chinese DictionaryPleco图书与参考资料25=
2626Rakuten KoboKobo Books图书与参考资料264
2727Holy Bible - KJV+VerseJATHLEHEM LIMITED图书与参考资料27=
2828eReader Prestigio: Book ReaderPrestigio development team图书与参考资料28=
2929LEO dictionaryLEO GmbH图书与参考资料292
3030EPUB Reader for all booksLibrera图书与参考资料302
3131Logos Bible Study AppFaithlife图书与参考资料312
3232PocketBook reader - any booksPocketbook International SA图书与参考资料326
3333Member ToolsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints图书与参考资料333
3434Librera: all for book readingLibrera图书与参考资料342
3535FamilySearch: Family Tree AppFamilySearch International图书与参考资料351
3636Glorify: Devotional & PrayerTUPOE LTD图书与参考资料361
3737dict.cc dictionaryPaul Hemetsberger图书与参考资料37=
3838Bible App Lite - NIV & KJVLife.Church图书与参考资料388
3939Oremus - Catholic Bible&PrayerBíblia Offline图书与参考资料396
4040StoryGraphThe StoryGraph图书与参考资料401
4141Merlin Bird ID by Cornell LabCornell Lab of Ornithology图书与参考资料414
4242@Voice Aloud Reader (TTS)Hyperionics Technology图书与参考资料427
4343DailyFM: Audiobooks & StoriesSTAR READING LIMITED图书与参考资料433
4444Fable: Books & TVFable Group Inc.图书与参考资料443
4545Bible For WomenBíblia Offline图书与参考资料453
4747Siddur Tehillat HashemAbraham Makovetsky图书与参考资料471
4848مختصر النصيحةalmukaddem图书与参考资料482
4949Wahy (Holy Quran)مركز تفسير - Tafsir Center图书与参考资料494
5050Scribd: 170M+ documentsScribd, Inc.图书与参考资料506