

最后更新时间:三月 19, 2025

最后更新时间:三月 19, 2025

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11YouVersion Bible App + AudioLife.Church图书与参考资料1=
22Bible Offline-KJV Holy BibleBíblia Offline图书与参考资料2=
33Bible For WomenBíblia Offline图书与参考资料3=
44Holy Bible - Verse+AudioGrandApps Inc.图书与参考资料4=
55Audible: Audio EntertainmentAudible, Inc.图书与参考资料53
66Bible Chat: Holy Bible StudyBookvitals图书与参考资料61
77Google Play Books & AudiobooksGoogle LLC图书与参考资料71
88Bible-Daily Bible VerseBíblia Offline图书与参考资料81
99KJV Daily Bible - Verse+AudioGrandApps Inc.图书与参考资料9=
1010Oremus - Catholic Bible&PrayerBíblia Offline图书与参考资料10=
1111King James Bible - Verse+AudioOzion图书与参考资料11=
1212Biblia Católica en españolBuenaOnda APP图书与参考资料122
1313Wattpad - Read & Write StoriesWattpad.com图书与参考资料131
1414My Bible - Verse+AudioJATHLEHEM LIMITED图书与参考资料141
1515Himnario CelebremosDigital Wolf图书与参考资料15=
1616Bible - Pray + Verse + AudioWahoo Info图书与参考资料161
1717Kekchi Bible (original orth)Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc图书与参考资料171
1818Hallow: Prayer & MeditationHallow, Inc.图书与参考资料182
1919Faithy: Devotional & PrayerPALAUA AND SONS Pte Ltd图书与参考资料19=
2020Holy Bible - KJV+Audio+VerseLiveLauncher图书与参考资料201
2121La Biblia en EspañolWarp Studios Bibles图书与参考资料211
2222Women Bible in SpanishBible apps for spirit图书与参考资料22=
2323Bible Launcher-KJV & PrayerGoFish Apps图书与参考资料23=
2424Holy Bible Reina Valera 1960Daily Bible Apps图书与参考资料242
2525Arcade 2002 (Old Games)Arcade Games Emu图书与参考资料253
2626JW LibraryJehovah's Witnesses图书与参考资料262
2727Holy Bible - KJV+VerseJATHLEHEM LIMITED图书与参考资料272
2828Biblia Dios Habla Hoy DHHYour Smart Bible Apps图书与参考资料281
2929Gospel LibraryThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints图书与参考资料29=
3030La Santa Biblia CatólicaIgor Apps图书与参考资料30=
3131Biblia Católica LatinoaméricaWalter Amaya图书与参考资料31=
3232Siren Head mods for minecraftMautamppo图书与参考资料32=
3333Himnario Gracia Y DevociónDigital Wolf图书与参考资料33=
3434Books - Read and DownloadApp Game Development Solutions图书与参考资料343
3535Bible Study Reina ValeraBible apps for spirit图书与参考资料351
3636Translateasy Lingual AssistantMortys Games图书与参考资料361
3737ReadEra – book reader pdf epubREADERA LLC图书与参考资料375
3838DeepL: translate & writeDeepL SE图书与参考资料383
3939FamilySearch: Family Tree AppFamilySearch International图书与参考资料395
4040Amazon KindleAmazon Mobile LLC图书与参考资料403
4141Biblia Reina Valera en españolAplicaciones Cristianas图书与参考资料413
4242Diccionario RAE y ASALE (DLE)Soporte de la Real Academia Española图书与参考资料422
4343Sky Tonight - Star Gazer GuideVito Technology图书与参考资料434
4444Bible LatinoamericanaBible apps for spirit图书与参考资料44=
4545ePrex: Liturgia Horas - SaintsSaints图书与参考资料45=
4646Himnario Rayos De EsperanzaDigital Wolf图书与参考资料461
4747MyBible - BibleDenys Dolganenko图书与参考资料471
4848eBoox: ePub PDF e-book ReaderReadingApp图书与参考资料483
4949ElevenReader - Text to SpeechEleven Labs Inc图书与参考资料494
5050Holy Bible: KJV Bible StudyAPSOFT HKT图书与参考资料502