1 | 1 | e-Sword LT: Bible Study to GoRichard Meyers | 参考资料 | 1 | = |
2 | 2 | World Factbook 2023 ProAppventions | 参考资料 | 2 | = |
3 | 3 | eGuide to Birds of East AfricaCool Ideas LLC | 参考资料 | 3 | = |
4 | 4 | World Map 2023 ProAppventions | 参考资料 | 4 | = |
5 | 5 | iMissal CatholicCantcha, Inc. | 参考资料 | 5 | = |
6 | 6 | Advanced English Dictionary.JDMI Kft. | 参考资料 | 6 | = |
7 | 7 | WolframAlpha ClassicWolfram Group LLC | 参考资料 | 7 | = |
8 | 8 | Quran Majeed Pro Ramadan 2025Pakistan Data Management Services | 参考资料 | 8 | = |
9 | 9 | myDuaa: Fortress of a Muslim | حصن المسلمIhsaanFusion, LLC | 参考资料 | 9 | = |
10 | 10 | Merriam-Webster Dictionary+Merriam-Webster, Inc. | 参考资料 | 10 | = |
11 | 11 | St. JosemariaJorge Panayotti | 参考资料 | 11 | = |
12 | 12 | The Kingdon GuideCool Ideas LLC | 参考资料 | 12 | = |
13 | 13 | Stuarts’ African MammalsCool Ideas LLC | 参考资料 | 13 | = |
14 | 14 | Bible Scholar InteractiveVision for Maximum Impact, LLC. | 参考资料 | 14 | = |
16 | 15 | Life Application Study BibleTecarta, Inc. | 参考资料 | 16 | 1 |
17 | 16 | iRosary ClassicDave Brown | 参考资料 | 17 | 1 |
18 | 17 | Al Quran TranslationPT Dalfindo Cipta Karya | 参考资料 | 18 | 1 |
19 | 18 | Dictionary OfflineTapclay Mobile LLP | 参考资料 | 19 | 1 |
20 | 19 | AirportsApplicate Ltd | 参考资料 | 20 | 1 |
21 | 20 | Dictionary and Thesaurus ProFarlex, Inc. | 参考资料 | 21 | = |
22 | 21 | Catholic New American Bible REgreg fairbrother | 参考资料 | 22 | = |
23 | 22 | Le ConjugueurBrewalan Le Dru | 参考资料 | 23 | = |
24 | 23 | World Factbook & AtlasJDMI Kft. | 参考资料 | 24 | = |
25 | 24 | Cell Tracker - Mobile trackerAbhay Vala | 参考资料 | 25 | = |
26 | 25 | Advanced English Dictionary HDJDMI Kft. | 参考资料 | 26 | = |
27 | 26 | 99 Names of Allah (Pro)Imran Qureshi | 参考资料 | 27 | = |
28 | 27 | Dictionnaire Larousse françaisEditions Larousse | 参考资料 | 28 | = |
29 | 28 | English Swahili Dictionary +Jafar Najafov | 参考资料 | 29 | = |
30 | 29 | iMissal Catholic BibleCantcha, Inc. | 参考资料 | 30 | = |
31 | 30 | Learner's Dictionary - EnglishMerriam-Webster, Inc. | 参考资料 | 31 | = |
32 | 31 | Fighter Verses: memorize BibleTruth78 | 参考资料 | 32 | = |
33 | 32 | HolyBible K.J.V. ProXu Liu | 参考资料 | 33 | = |
34 | 33 | St. Josemaria for iPadJorge Panayotti | 参考资料 | 34 | = |
35 | 34 | WordWeb Audio DictionaryAntony Lewis | 参考资料 | 35 | = |
36 | 35 | Fonts: Install New Fonts立毅 成 | 参考资料 | 36 | = |
37 | 36 | SkySafariSimulation Curriculum Corp. | 参考资料 | 37 | = |
38 | 37 | The Bible DictionaryThuy Duong | 参考资料 | 38 | = |
39 | 38 | AutoParts for Mercedes BenzVladimir Susoykin | 参考资料 | 39 | = |
40 | 39 | SkyView® Satellite GuideTerminal Eleven LLC | 参考资料 | 40 | = |
41 | 40 | AviationCodeLars Hansen | 参考资料 | 41 | = |
42 | 41 | RhymeZoneMerriam-Webster, Inc. | 参考资料 | 42 | = |
43 | 42 | Touch Bible: KJV+ ConcordancePatrick Franklin | 参考资料 | 43 | = |
44 | 43 | Forvo PronunciationForvo Media SL | 参考资料 | 44 | = |
45 | 44 | USA Pocket Maps ProAppventions | 参考资料 | 45 | = |
46 | 45 | FAR/AIMAviation Supplies and Academics, Inc. | 参考资料 | 46 | = |
47 | 46 | La Bible(Louis Segond FrenchJian Zhang | 参考资料 | 47 | = |
48 | 47 | Touch Bible Loaded: Level Up!Patrick Franklin | 参考资料 | 48 | = |
49 | 48 | BibleScopeKenny Ham | 参考资料 | 49 | = |
50 | 49 | Amplified Bible (AMP) ProAXERAAN TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED | 参考资料 | 50 | = |
51 | 50 | French~English DictionaryEditions Larousse | 参考资料 | 51 | = |