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十二月 2024
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Uti Infrastructure Technology And Ser...收入截至 十二月 2024为 500M - 1B
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utiitsl.com500M - 1B
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新闻BLS International partners with Utiitsl.BLS International, a trusted global tech-enabled services partner for governments and citizens, has partnered with UTIITSL (UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited) to support e-Card printing services under Ayushman Bharat by National Health Authority, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
八月 9, 2021阅读更多
新闻Alankit Assignments Ltd. partnered with Utiitsl on Jul 22nd '20.Alankit has recently tied up with UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited, a Government Financial Services Provider Company to provide all the PAN Card services to the citizens digitally across India through its facilitation centers.
八月 23, 2020阅读更多
新闻Wirecard partners with Utiitsl.Wirecard, the global innovation leader for digital financial technology, has partnered with India's government-owned company UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL), to facilitate the issuing of physical and digital taxpayer identification cards, also known as PAN (Permanent Account Number) cards.
五月 21, 2019阅读更多
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