Frito Lay
十二月 2024
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十二月 2024的Frito Lay市场份额分析
Frito-Lay is an American subsidiary of PepsiCo that manufactures, markets, and sells corn chips, potato chips, and other snack foods.
Frito Lay
Frito Lay(包含公司地区分支机构)
Frito Lay收入截至 十二月 2024为 > 1B
Frito Lay主要域名产生的收入
3 年中Frito Lay主要域名的收入
Frito Lay主要域名的收入> 1B
Frito Lay热门域名的总访问量
了解Frito Lay市场份额和潜在市场覆盖范围。
过去 3 个月的总访问量
Frito Lay热门域名的总访问量
Frito Lay热门域名的平均访问时长
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过去 3 个月的平均访问时长
Frito Lay热门域名的平均访问时长
Frito Lay热门域名的平均页面浏览量
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过去 3 个月的平均页面浏览量
Frito Lay热门域名的平均页面浏览量
过滤超过 2030 万家在线企业。发现流量激增的新潜在客户,开始或停止使用技术的新潜在客户,或者获得正面报道的新潜在客户。
Frito Lay 的新闻与信号
借助 Similarweb 销售信号提醒,每当在目标受众之中出现新的机会或威胁时,您都会收到所识别出购买信号的每日更新。
新闻Fitch retired from Frito-Lay Company on Nov 26th '24.Fitch recently retired from Frito-Lay and has been a fixture in the community for a long time.
十二月 26, 2024阅读更多
新闻Frito-Lay Company had issues with recall of some of its products that might on Dec 16th '24.Frito-Lay said Monday in an announcement that they are recalling potato chips over an undeclared allergen.
十二月 19, 2024阅读更多
新闻Frito-Lay Company has issues with recall in two states of some snacks because they may contain.Frito-Lay has announced a recall in two states of some snacks because they may contain milk - which can be fatal to people who have an allergy.
十二月 19, 2024阅读更多
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