Dysart Unified School District

十一月 2024

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十一月 2024的Dysart Unified School Di...市场份额分析

员工1001 - 5000
年营收$50M - $75M
Dysart Unified School District
Dysart Unified School District(包含公司地区分支机构)
  • dysart.org

Dysart Unified School District收入截至 十一月 2024为 50M - 75M

Dysart Unified School District主要域名产生的收入

3 年中Dysart Unified School District主要域名的收入

Dysart Unified School District主要域名的收入

Dysart Unified School District热门域名的总访问量

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过去 3 个月的总访问量

Dysart Unified School District热门域名的总访问量

Dysart Unified School District热门域名的平均访问时长

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过去 3 个月的平均访问时长

Dysart Unified School District热门域名的平均访问时长

Dysart Unified School District热门域名的平均页面浏览量

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过去 3 个月的平均页面浏览量

Dysart Unified School District热门域名的平均页面浏览量


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Dysart Unified School District 的新闻与信号

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新闻Dysart invests into assets: elementary school and land in the amount of $127M.The Dysart Unified School District is seeking voter approval for a $127 million bond measure to fund safety and security improvements, facility renovations, school bus replacements, construction of a new elementary school and land for a new high school.
新闻Dysart increases headcount by 150.Dysart career fair to fill nearly 150 jobs.
新闻Dysart receives financing of $56M in ESSER funding.Dysart Unified School District received more than $56 million in ESSER funding over three stages, according to the district.

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