Capterra, Inc.
十一月 2024
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十一月 2024的Capterra, Inc.市场份额分析
capterra helps millions of people find the best business software. with software reviews, ratings, infographics, and the most comprehensive list of the top business software products available, you're sure to find what you need at capterra.
Capterra, Inc.
Capterra, Inc.(包含公司地区分支机构)
Capterra, Inc.收入截至 十一月 2024为 15M - 25M
Capterra, Inc.主要域名产生的收入
3 年中Capterra, Inc.主要域名的收入
Capterra, Inc.主要域名的收入
capterra.com15M - 25M
Capterra, Inc.热门域名的总访问量
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过去 3 个月的总访问量
Capterra, Inc.热门域名的总访问量
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过去 3 个月的平均访问时长
Capterra, Inc.热门域名的平均访问时长
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过去 3 个月的平均页面浏览量
Capterra, Inc.热门域名的平均页面浏览量
过滤超过 2030 万家在线企业。发现流量激增的新潜在客户,开始或停止使用技术的新潜在客户,或者获得正面报道的新潜在客户。
Capterra, Inc. 的新闻与信号
借助 Similarweb 销售信号提醒,每当在目标受众之中出现新的机会或威胁时,您都会收到所识别出购买信号的每日更新。
新闻Capterra Inc recognized as one of the "Top 5 Star Rated Digital Marketing Agencies 2024.The JRB Team, Inc. is thrilled to announce that JRB Team has been selected by as one of the "Top 5 Star Rated Digital Marketing Agencies 2024"!
十月 28, 2024阅读更多
新闻ServiceTrade, Inc. signed new client Capterra Inc on Jan 1st '23.ServiceTrade was awarded a perfect 5.0 designation by Capterra, making it the highest-rated, non-residential platform for HVAC in 2023.
一月 28, 2024阅读更多
新闻Capterra Inc launches Shortlist featuring the top software solutions across various categories.Capterra, a dependable authority on software reviews and industry insights, annually unveils its Shortlist featuring the top software solutions across various categories.
十月 25, 2023阅读更多
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