Find My Phone Whistle - Finder vs Flash alert Usage & Stats
Find My Phone Whistle app(Whistle Phone Finder) can help you easily locate and find my phone by whistle.
If you often forgets my phone at somewhere and want to easily find my phone,
If your phone is lost and don't know where is my phone or the phone is not lost, but you can't find my phone.
If you want find a way that can helps you find my phone quickly.
Find My Phone Whistle(Whistle Phone Finder) is most suitable application to find my phone by whistle. Just activate the application and the app will detect whistling sounds when you can not find your phone, it will react to your whistling. Whistle Phone Finder will recognize the whistle sound and start to ring.
★ How to Use:
1. Start Find My Phone Whistle app
2. Click the Activate button
3. Whistle Phone Finder will detect whistling sounds realtime
3. When hearing whistling sounds, the app will start to ring
4. you can locate and find my phone by whistle.
Want to find my phone easily? Just start Find My Phone by Whistle app!
- Google Play 商店
- 免费
- 工具
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This application uses your camera flash to make flash alerts when you receive a call or notifications.
- The app does not require camera permission
- You can disable flash alerts automatically when your battery level is low
- You can choose the apps that you want to start flash alerts when you receive notifications from them
- You can set a custom alert pattern for calls and notifications
- Google Play 商店
- 免费
- 生产力
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Find My Phone Whistle - Finder与Flash alert排名比较
对比 Find My Phone Whistle - Finder 与 Flash alert 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
Find My Phone Whistle - Finder vs. Flash alert ranking by country comparison
对比 Find My Phone Whistle - Finder 与 Flash alert 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
Find My Phone Whistle - Finder VS.
Flash alert
十一月 26, 2024