디모데교회관리 对比 with Jesus 的使用情况和统计数据
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'Journal with Jesus' is an excellent tool for training yourself to walk with Jesus.
Who is the master of your heart? We invite you to a life of walking with Jesus 24 hours a day, guarding your heart from the world.
Through the 'Journal with Jesus', I hope that you will enjoy the blessings of the practical life of "I died and lived with Jesus".
The focus of 'Journal with Jesus' is not writing a regular journal, but writing about walking with Jesus.
It is an effective tool for training in close walking with Jesus and a bowl that contains grace.
Prease write your journal about how you walked with Jesus from the time you woke up in the morning until you fell asleep.
- “People who are walking with Jesus” Pastor Yoo Ki-Seong -
-. Home : You can check recent posts such as my journal, column, recommendation journal, sharing room journal, and announcements.
-. Write : You can write a journal.
ㄴ. write a guide
-. My Journal : You can see the journal you wrote.
ㄴ. Making a book journal with Jesus : You can make a journal I wrote into a book.
-. Sharing Room : You can join or create a Sharing Room.
ㄴ. Join the Sharing Room : You can join the existing Sharing Room.
ㄴ. Create a sharing room : You can create a new sharing room.
ㄴ. Sharing Room Help Request : You can get help joining the Sharing Room.
-. All: View more menus.
ㄴ. Column : You can see the column of Pastor Yoo Ki-Seong.
ㄴ. Recommendation Journal : You can view the recommended journal published in the all member group.
ㄴ. Online companion training : You can do online companionship training with Jesus.
ㄴ. Alarm : You can check and approve or reject alarms such as sharing room invitations or subscription applications.
ㄴ. Bookmark : You can see the bookmarked posts in my journal, column, and Sharing room journal.
ㄴ. Settings : You can change the environment settings.
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디모데교회관리与with Jesus排名比较
对比 디모데교회관리 与 with Jesus 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
十二月 17, 2024