Saarfahrplan 对比 appa: DriveAppa E-Scooter 的使用情况和统计数据

The “Saarfahrplan” is the Saarland transport association’s official App with a mobile routing platform and an integrated saarVV online shop for the purchase of mobile phone tickets from a selection of tickets. Functions - Routing information including stops, addresses, points of interest (POI) or current location in real-time display - Display of ticket options and purchase of specific tickets as ONLINE-TICKETS - Departures and arrivals for specific stops - Map: Display and masking of stops - Display of traffic information - Connection alarm: Push-notifications about connection changes - Connections/routes: Calendar entry and sending possible via email or SMS. Notice: Personal contact addresses can be used for start-to-destination navigation. Furthermore, the App requires access to the geographic location function of your device, navigation and localisation of stops as well as an access to the calendar in order to enter planned rides. This function can be limited through the App settings. No personal data will be transferred to central servers. A live internet connection is necessary to use the routing information. No guarantee is given for the completeness or accuracy of the timetable details.
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 旅游


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Die nächste Generation der Mobilität Was ist APPA? APPA ist das neue E-Scooter Sharing in deiner Stadt. Lade jetzt unsere App kostenfrei herunter und starte deine nächste Tour. Mit der App findest du den nächsten APPA. Wir wünschen eine gute Fahrt. Los geht's: 1.lade dir die App herunter 2.Entsperre ihn durch Scannen des QR-Codes am Lenker. 3.Genieße die Fahrt und erreiche dein Ziel in kürzester Zeit. 4.Parke den Scooter und beende deine Fahrt in der App.
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 旅游


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Saarfahrplan与appa: DriveAppa E-Scooter排名比较

对比 Saarfahrplan 与 appa: DriveAppa E-Scooter 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



Saarfahrplan 对比 appa: DriveAppa E-Scooter 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 Saarfahrplan 与 appa: DriveAppa E-Scooter 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



Saarfahrplan VS.
appa: DriveAppa E-Scooter

十二月 14, 2024