NerdCalc 对比 CompSci Calculator 的使用情况和统计数据
NerdCalc is a binary, hexadecimal and decimal calculator that displays all three number bases at the same time. With NerdCalc, you can quickly switch which base you are inputting and the result of your calculations is always updated for all three bases, no matter what the current input mode. NerdCalc supports both unsigned and 2’s complement, to allow for negative numbers, and can perform basic arithmetic and logic operations as well as bitwise shifting. Enjoy!
- Apple 应用商店
- 免费
- 公共事业
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CompSci Calculator lets you calculate in three different bases: decimal, hexadecimal, and binary.
CompSci Calculator was developed for programmers, developers, computer engineers, and computer scientists. In real time you can do part of an equation in one base and then switch to another and complete the equation. As you type in any particular base the values in all three modes are displayed together. Because of the real time instant conversion between the bases CompSci Calculator also serves as an excellent conversion tool.
-basic algebra between bases
-simultaneous answers in all three bases
-selectable bit size: 8,16,24,32
-optional additional 16 bits of radix point precision
-bitwise functions
-1's and 2's complements
-shift left and shift right
Student and teacher feedback is very appreciated!
- Apple 应用商店
- 免费
- 公共事业
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NerdCalc与CompSci Calculator排名比较
对比 NerdCalc 与 CompSci Calculator 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
NerdCalc 对比 CompSci Calculator 的排名,按国家/地区比较
对比 NerdCalc 与 CompSci Calculator 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
十二月 15, 2024