Panda Weather 对比 最美天气-及时推送天气信息 的使用情况和统计数据

Panda Weather is an app that allows pandas to accompany you in watching the weather. We use Chinese poetry to describe the weather and Chinese ink paintings to showcase the beauty of different weather conditions. Introduction:: [No advertisements]: In order to provide users with the most reassuring product experience, there are no advertisements inside the product [Accurate weather forecast]: *Minute level weather forecast *24-hour real-time weather forecast *Weather forecast for the next 40 days [Chinese style design]: Experience the aesthetics from China and showcase different Chinese style ink paintings based on different weather conditions [Weather component]: Let's experience together how ancient Chinese poets used poetic lines to romantically express different weather conditions [iOS 18 Lock Screen Pet Companion Watching the Weather]: Long press the Anxin Weather Control component on the lock screen to trigger the exclusive weather forecast. Panda AnAn will display different dressing styles based on the weather and use language to motivate them. [Chinese health tips]: This is the combination of Chinese weather and Chinese health preservation, with corresponding health tips for every hour. [Other channels]: -Compatible with iPad: Zoom in on weather forecast on the ipad -Compatible with Vision Pro: Immersive Experience of Weather Dynamics Subscription related: -Once the purchase is confirmed, the amount will be deducted from your iTunes account -The subscription will be automatically renewed. If it is closed 24 hours before the end of the current period, the automatic renewal will be canceled -Renewal or cancellation during the free trial period will not revoke the free trial benefits from the user. The user can continue the trial until the end of the trial period -Privacy Policy: -User Agreement: If you have any questions or suggestions, please provide feedback in the "User Feedback" section of the app. We will take your suggestions seriously and make improvements accordingly.
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  • 免费
  • 天气


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最美天气是一款专业级天气预报APP,最美天气聚焦于气象数据信息及智能化贴心服务,为用户提供吃、穿、住、行全覆盖的生活服务及指南。利用核心天气数据,提供分钟级、公里级气象预报、预警服务。搭载智能化算法,准确定位,及时推送暴雨、台风、高温、冰雹等天气预报信息,并涵盖了20多种生活指数,为您的出行提供智能化的贴心指南。 【全新会员权益】 *天气页面免广告:浏览体验全升级,获取会员即可享受纯净无广告页面; *会员权益赠送:新用户即获赠白银会员,邀请用户即获赠黄金会员; *全新定制主题:多款会员专属主题新鲜出炉,每日心情自由定义; *钓鱼指数:日出日落时间、气压、风向风速、温度等实时数据全方位知晓; *钓鱼资讯:新手老手都爱看的钓鱼百科、钓鱼技巧,助攻钓友满满收获; 【简洁天气界面】 *天气背景:真实城市美景、自然风光、多版主题随心切换; *天气动画:超炫天气动画,下雨、打雷、闪电动画唯美逼真,让您身临其境; *桌面天气小插件:提供多款桌面插件,总有一款风格适合你; 【准确实况天气】 *全面覆盖:全球经纬度任意查询,打开最美天气你在哪里我们服务到哪里; *短临降雨:分钟级降水量预报,每时每刻雨雪变化,尽在掌握; *空气质量:实时空气质量监测,PM2.5及AQI指数预报,关心天气,更关心您的健康生活; 【权威天气预报】 *90日天气趋势:首创提供90日天气趋势功能,让您预知未来天气,出行轻松无忧; *24小时气温趋势:轻松查阅气温变化,提早预防早晚温差过大; *15日空气质量趋势:空气质量预报全方位涵盖各县市级地区,防“霾”于未然; *恶劣天气提示:雾、霾、暴雨、寒潮、高温、沙尘暴、大雾等各类恶劣性天气的预报; 【气象灾害预警】 *信息可靠:采用气象部门授权的权威预警信息; *及时预警:渍涝风险、山洪灾害、中小河流洪水气象风险以及台风路径预警,及时通知您气象灾害,帮您提前做好气象防范; 【全方位天气服务】 *生活指数:穿衣带伞出行限行防晒等各种生活指数,一切都为了提供更好的生活服务指南; *语音播报:超人气明星、特色方言语音播报天气,每天为您报天气; *景区天气:5000多个景区天气预报,您出行游玩的好帮手; *实景天气:海量社区实景美图,不用出门实现云旅游。
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 天气


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Panda Weather与最美天气-及时推送天气信息排名比较

对比 Panda Weather 与 最美天气-及时推送天气信息 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



Panda Weather 对比 最美天气-及时推送天气信息 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 Panda Weather 与 最美天气-及时推送天气信息 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势





Panda Weather VS.

三月 21, 2025