律动鼓点舞 对比 辟谷轻断食-无需运动节食,懒人专属定制食谱,助你实现目标 的使用情况和统计数据

想要锻炼,但你遇到这些问题? -健身教程太多,不知道怎么运动适合自己? -上班或者照顾孩子太忙,没有时间去健身房? -线下舞蹈教室收费贵、不喜欢舞曲、上课跟不上? -想要健康饮食菜谱? 来律动,你将拥有—— 「28天量身定制计划」 根据个人身体情况,智能编排、量身定制燃脂瘦身计划,每天坚持打卡记录,瘦腿、瘦肚子、瘦手臂,想瘦哪里瘦哪里,让你养成易瘦体质,感受体态轻盈! 「暴汗燃脂瘦身操」 跑步跳绳难坚持? 试试暴汗燃脂瘦身操,零基础新手和健身达人都能跳!跟着教练一起,在欢快动感的音乐中感受跳操的乐趣。想瘦哪里瘦哪里,将脂肪统统歼灭! 「海量舞蹈随心学」 尊巴、爵士、广场舞、恰恰、韩舞、中国舞等多种舞蹈任你选择,不论你是舞蹈小白还是想提升自己的舞技,都可以在这里找到适合自己的课程。专业老师精细讲解,新手舞者也能跟节奏嗨舞。 「健康减脂食谱秘典」 不用再四处寻找减肥食谱、生怕吃多长肉,这里有科学的每日热量摄入推荐、每餐众多可替换食材,帮你轻松完成早午晚餐瘦身营养膳食,精准控制卡路里,不必节食,悦享燃脂餐~ ------------------------------------------------------- 律动鼓点舞会员权益服务说明 会员权益:订阅期间可享受套餐内对应服务功能。 付款:用户确认购买并付款后计入iTunes账户。 扣款说明:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。 取消订阅:如需取消订阅,请打开苹果手机“设置”进入"iTunes Store与App Store"-->点击ApplelD",选择“查看ApplelD”,进入账户“设置”页面,点击"订阅”,选择取消订阅即可。如未在订阅期结束的至少24小时以前取消订阅,下个周期的订阅服务将自动续订。 使用条款: https://privacy.xinzhi.space/gdw/userAgreement_iOS.html 用户协议: https://privacy.xinzhi.space/gdw/userAgreement.html 隐私协议: https://privacy.xinzhi.space/gdw/privacyPolicy.html 律动鼓点舞已接入HealthKit,获取健康数据每日步数和行动距离,详细信息请查看隐私权限。
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 健康与健身


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Bigu light fasting is a concise and easy-to-use Bigu fasting weight loss record app based on the world's popular intermittent fasting method. If you try many weight loss methods that don't work, or encounter a platform period, you might as well try this global popular weight loss method. What is light fasting? Light fasting, also known as intermittent fasting, is one of the most popular health and fitness trends. Light fasting does not mean dieting, but a dietary pattern that circulates between fasting and eating. It does not specify the food you should or cannot eat, but the time you should eat. What is the principle of light fasting? Its main principle is that during intermittent fasting, the body will run out of stored sugar and then start burning fat. A small sample study shows that after 8 weeks of light fasting diet, the average weight decreased by 5.6kg, the average waist circumference decreased by 4.0cm, and the blood pressure, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride also decreased. Is light fasting healthy? Light fasting is best known for weight loss and detoxification. Studies have shown that light fasting can change hormone content and promote fat decomposition in the body as energy. [benefits of Bigu fasting] * burning body fat * improving body and brain function * improving mental state and reducing disease risk [characteristics of Bigu light fasting] * a variety of fasting plans are suitable for beginners and experienced people * recording weight and fasting tracking, witnessing the process of physical change * team punch in, mutual supervision and changing themselves together *No need to calculate calorie intake * Pigu light fasting popular science knowledge * Pigu data visualization to understand the state of the body at different stages * fasting tracking and regular notification to help you stick to it *Support desktop widgets, convenient and fast Change, start from here. Come and join us and become better ourselves! reminder Light fasting is a scientific and healthy eating habit, but the following people should consult professional doctors or health care professionals before use, such as those with mental history, family mental illness, severe heart disease, pregnant / lactating women, children under the age of 18 and those diagnosed with eating disorders. 【 HealthKit 】 - Your consent is required to read your HealthKit data and synchronize your steps to the Talko Light Diet for recording your daily steps Bigu light fasting VIP automatic subscription instructions *Member package: Bigu light fasting VIP monthly card, subscription price: 68 yuan / week All member functions *Member package: Bigu light fasting VIP annual card, subscription price: 128 yuan / year All member functions *Member package: Bigu light fasting permanent member, price: 168 yuan All member functions Membership benefits: you can enjoy the corresponding service functions in the package during the subscription period. *Payment: after the user confirms the purchase and pays, it will be credited to the iTunes account. Deduction means that Apple iTunes account will deduct fees within 24 hours before expiration. After successful deduction, the subscription cycle will be postponed for one subscription cycle *Unsubscribe. If you need to unsubscribe, please open Apple phone "Settings" - > Enter "iTunes Store and app store" - > click "appleid", select "view appleid", enter the account "Settings" page, and click "subscribe" , select unsubscribe. If you do not unsubscribe within at least 24 hours after the end of the subscription period, the subscription service in the next cycle will be automatically renewed. Privacy Policy: http://h5.yuan9.cn/bigu/privacyPolicy.html User agreement: http://h5.yuan9.cn/bigu/userAgreement.html Contact email: support@yuan9.cn
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 健康与健身


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对比 律动鼓点舞 与 辟谷轻断食-无需运动节食,懒人专属定制食谱,助你实现目标 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



律动鼓点舞 对比 辟谷轻断食-无需运动节食,懒人专属定制食谱,助你实现目标 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 律动鼓点舞 与 辟谷轻断食-无需运动节食,懒人专属定制食谱,助你实现目标 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



律动鼓点舞 VS.

三月 16, 2025