DigiThane 对比 Kawosati Saint Joseph's School 的使用情况和统计数据

Find and access essential products, services, facilities, happenings, recreations. Plan getaways, access local reads, get important local updates. All in one single app. Digitown is a hyper-local city umbrella app that lets you discover everything in and around the place you reside in, reach-out and access them, from the convenience of your home. Down-the-lane street vendors – Hawkers, vegetable and fruit sellers, plumbers, electricians, cobblers. Next-door facility shops - Groceries, essential and non-essential buys and services, small and big shops, malls, multiplexes and recreation zones Locally available independent professionals - Doctors, accountants, lawyers, consultants, designers, local talents, service providers and more Emergency reach-outs and social welfare services - Hospitals, educational institutions, local community services, public services Travel and entertainment – Nearby restaurants, events, workshops, shows, recreations, getaway and holiday spots - with all important details and updates Stories and collections – Original stories and updates from your vicinity and your city. Exclusively curated and edited by our editorial team. EASY TO BROWSE THROUGH NEIGHBOURHOOD LANES Enter your pin-code and see what’s around you – down-the-lane street vendors, facility shops, malls, entertainment and recreations available within reach - without having to step out of your homes. Scan through their products, offers, services, experiences on Digitown. Read about them, gather information, access them through our one-stop app. GET GUIDANCE Access customer ratings and reviews before you pick your choice. Scan through product or service images, watch demo videos, get virtual experiences, read related stories and blogs, gather important information, check their exact location and find out how far is the venue from you before you decide. GET ALL YOUR WORK DONE AT ONE PLACE Find nearby shops, services, facilities, help, local bodies and services, recreations, activities, experiences, holiday spots, tourist spots and other things to do without having to step out of your home, or walk down the nearby lanes.

Access interesting and inspiring reads about places, people, local happenings, festive celebrations and events around you. Know the city you live in through exclusive historic and cultural reads and collections from professional bloggers and content writers. Discover great places to eat, interesting events and happenings, activities and entertainments near you.

Compare the lowest prices and greatest experiences, customer reviews and high-points from various venues and outlets around you before you choose your pick.

Use our in-built event calendar to save and organize your month. GUIDE OTHER LOCAL CITIZENS Submit your own reviews, ratings and photos of the products, services, experiences to guide fellow users and other local residents.
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 公共事业


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A Complete Mobile application for Kawosati Saint Joseph's Admin, Faculty, Staff, Students and Parents.It helps to gather college activities instantly. Notice Assignment Result Fee Details Leave Request Book Search Attendance Report etc
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 公共事业


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DigiThane与Kawosati Saint Joseph's School排名比较

对比 DigiThane 与 Kawosati Saint Joseph's School 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



DigiThane 对比 Kawosati Saint Joseph's School 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 DigiThane 与 Kawosati Saint Joseph's School 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



DigiThane VS.
Kawosati Saint Joseph's School

十二月 14, 2024