(中学生向け)高校入試ターゲット 对比 勉強アプリは『暗記の神様』〜単語帳や聞き流しで共通テスト対策 的使用情况和统计数据

◆『高校入試でる順ターゲット』シリーズ公式無料アプリ◆ 3択問題・リスニング・マイページ機能で受験勉強を応援! ■対応書籍(すべて四訂版) ・中学英単語1800 ・中学英熟語400 ・中学数学公式・解法100 ・中学漢字・語句・文法1500 ・中学理科120 ・中学社会120 ■全収録問題数 全部で4600問!3択問題でさくっと復習! ■「(中学生向け)高校入試ターゲット」は旺文社刊行「高校入試でる順ターゲット(四訂版)」シリーズの公式無料アプリケーションです。 ■特長 1.本で覚えた内容を3択問題でチェック! 書籍の内容に沿ったオリジナルの3択問題で,学習した内容を楽しく復習できます。間違えた問題だけを解きなおす機能もあります。 2.英語のリスニング学習に対応! 「英単語1800」「英熟語400」の全収録語の【見出し語・日本語・例文】の音声を聞くことができ,発音問題やリスニング問題の対策ができます。 3.入試直前までモチベーションを保てる! 進捗状況と達成度を確認することで,科目ごとの学習の偏りをなくし,学習ペースを維持できます。 合格目指してがんばろう! ■問い合わせ窓口 内容と動作の確認は十分に行っておりますが,もし不具合を見つけられた場合は、以下のメールアドレス宛にご連絡をお願いいたします。どうしてそうなったのか,詳しい操作手順や発生状況をメールでレポートしていただければ幸いです。 chugaku-target@obunsha.co.jp
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◉What kind of study app is God of Memorization? ・This is the strongest vocabulary app that allows you to study memorization efficiently. ・God of Memorization is a study app that contains all the content to be learned from middle school to high school. ・Supports high school entrance exams, university entrance exams, and common tests (Center Test) ・You can study with questions that follow the curriculum guidelines. ・This vocabulary book app contains over 100,000 questions. ・There is also a vocabulary maker function, so you can create your own vocabulary and memorize it efficiently. ・You can study using vocabulary books created and shared by talented users. ・You can memorize efficiently using various study methods such as question-and-answer format and multiple-choice format (true/false, three-choice, and four-choice questions). ・Since each stage is divided into 5 questions, you can memorize it in a short period of time. ・You can use the study app to study efficiently as if it were a game. ・What questions are included? We mainly deal with past questions that are highly important in entrance exams. ・This is a study app that allows you to memorize efficiently because you can review at the optimal timing using a forgetting curve. ・You can test your skills with the regular test function and find out the deviation value. ◉The God of Memorization is recommended for the following people: ・I want to memorize things overnight before regular tests such as school midterm exams and final exams. ・I want to prepare for high school entrance exams, university entrance exams, and common tests. ・I want to study by making effective use of free time such as commuting time ・I want to measure my ability ・I want to study while using the listening function. ・I have difficulty concentrating, so I want to memorize in a short period of time. ・I find it troublesome to create a vocabulary list by myself. ・I want to memorize efficiently using a vocabulary list created by talented people. ・I am not good at studying with reference books and want to have fun learning like a game. ・I want to improve my skills efficiently using study apps ◉How to use the god of memorization ① Select the subject you want to study. If you go from the study tab, you can check the courses that have been recorded. ② Select the question format you want to study and study. ③ 5 questions will be asked in each stage, and if you answer all the multiple-choice questions correctly, you will pass! The next stage will be released. (*The method of passing the test may differ depending on the stage where the exam is presented.) ④Accumulate medals ⑤Exchange your favorite gift and study hard for the next gift! ◉Study method using the god of memorization ①Study function ② Vocabulary function ③Review function ④Consultation function ⑤Others ◉Pro plan (subscription) price and period ・¥980/1 month, ¥1,950/3 months, ¥3,900/1 year ・Prices are subject to change. ・The period will be automatically renewed for one month starting from the application date. ・Payment will be charged to your iTunes account. ・For paid plans and free trials, unless you cancel automatic renewal at least 24 hours before the end of the period, the period of the paid plan will be automatically renewed. - Billing for automatic renewal will be done within 24 hours after the end of the paid plan period. ・You can check your paid plan and cancel automatic renewal from your AppStore user account settings. (* You can also check the same and cancel/set automatic updates from iTunes.) ◉Customer support ・Specialized team monitors content 24 hours a day ・We will strictly control users who violate the terms of use. ・Safe and secure to use ◉Others ・Terms of use: https://sites.google.com/view/hanauta/tou ・Privacy policy: https://www.hnut.co.jp/privacy
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  • 免费
  • 教育


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对比 (中学生向け)高校入試ターゲット 与 勉強アプリは『暗記の神様』〜単語帳や聞き流しで共通テスト対策 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



(中学生向け)高校入試ターゲット 对比 勉強アプリは『暗記の神様』〜単語帳や聞き流しで共通テスト対策 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 (中学生向け)高校入試ターゲット 与 勉強アプリは『暗記の神様』〜単語帳や聞き流しで共通テスト対策 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势


(中学生向け)高校入試ターゲット VS.

三月 17, 2025