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- AR Book: lessons and exercises Vs. НУМО: розвивальні ігри
AR Book: lessons and exercises 对比 НУМО: розвивальні ігри 的使用情况和统计数据
The AR_Book Application Is an Interactive Assistant in Child's Education
Do you want an assistant for a child's study for free? Do you want your children to easily do their homework and learn skills in the most important subjects? Do you dream about your child learning math, physics, or chemistry curriculum with interest? Let’s do it!
All school subjects, which have practicals and experiments are now available in the best innovative personalized app for interactive learning named AR_Book. Studying topics has never been so enjoyable!
How to Work With the AR_Book App?
The AR_Book application was created to apply students' knowledge in practice. This is an interactive lab that is at the fingertips!
The app is an innovative platform that combines top practicums from core lessons of the education programs at the school. It is a smart way to combine learning and entertainment because what could be more interesting for students than to manage experiments on the phone and test the knowledge gained in the curriculum.
After installation, parents can set up a personal account for a student or for themselves to inspect the child's academic progress both online and offline.
Just choose the subject you need. The app will open a list of available experiments and assignments for home study. For example, for physics, there are lots of experiments that have an interactive nature, accompanied by visual display and effective learning. After that, the student can take the test for verification of knowledge.
All other subjects also correspond to the materials of textbooks accredited in the Ukrainian school. Therefore, your child can easily master tasks and methods of various sciences at home.
Advantages of AR_Book for Children
All educational syllabuses in AR_Book are designed and oriented in the form of interactivity and augmented reality, it is fascinating to learn from them. You don't need to set up a laboratory to conduct experiments and provide answers to children's questions. Everything is already embedded in the application algorithms. Each practical task has a visual explanation, it shows the main principle of action so that learning goes the easiest and most fun for the child. Thanks to the tests integrated into the application, each student can keep his own collection of achievements. The app works online and offline both.
Children quickly master logic and the method. With AR_Books, the fun and personalized learning won't end! New tasks both personalized and general are constantly appearing in the application. The child gets almost unlimited opportunities.
Innovative content in the following subjects is currently available for teaching and use in the app: Algebra, Geometry and General Mathematics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Astronomy. Children can gain specialized knowledge about animals and dinosaurs thanks to a specialized integrated online encyclopedia with 3D models of many animals.
And for the sake of general physical development, AR_Book also includes physical exercises.
Advantages of AR_Book for Parents and Teachers
Using AR_Book aims to help understand complex topics simply in the best possible way and free up parents' time spent on homework. Besides, you can get it for free and it’s completely safe and convenient as all experiments take place in the Internet space or offline using augmented reality technology.
Interesting and Successful Study of Practical Tasks with AR_Book is a Reality. Augmented Reality!
Online education is simple and free with the AR_Book app! The most interesting educational methods, programs, and studies in exact sciences are already waiting. Learning math problems and schooling has never been smarter than with AR_Book.
Terms of Use (EULA) https://arbook.info/en/user-agreement/
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- 教育
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Ігри в застосунку є різноплановими:
- за віком: до 3 років, 3-4 роки, 4-5 років і 5-6 років, тож ви точно знайдете те, що зацікавить саме вашу дитину;
- за складністю: різні тематичні рівні для кожної вікової аудиторії;
- за наповненням: завдання та малюнки допоможуть збагатити знання з мови й математики, розвинути логіку та креативність й опанувати інші важливі навички дошкільняти (більше про них дізнавайтесь на numo.mon.gov.ua).
Різноманітність НУМО застосунку та тем ігор дасть змогу вашій дитині дізнаватися нові й цікаві факти про навколишній світ.
Застосунок дуже простий у використанні, тож ваша малеча буде у захваті. При завантаженні потрібно пройти невеличку реєстрацію для зручності використання застосунку саме для вашої дитини.
Нумо навчатися — граючись, адже це весело, корисно та практично.
Застосунок створено з ініціативи UNICEF України спільно з ЮНІСЕФ Чорногорії та у співпраці з Міністерством освіти Чорногорії та компанії SoftServe.
- Apple 应用商店
- 免费
- 教育
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AR Book: lessons and exercises与НУМО: розвивальні ігри排名比较
对比 AR Book: lessons and exercises 与 НУМО: розвивальні ігри 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
AR Book: lessons and exercises 对比 НУМО: розвивальні ігри 的排名,按国家/地区比较
对比 AR Book: lessons and exercises 与 НУМО: розвивальні ігри 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
十二月 14, 2024