REMA 对比 DREME Math Classroom Observer 的使用情况和统计数据
REMA guides users to administer the REMA math assessment, enter the children’s responses, and receives scoring and reports. REMA is a diagnostic assessment measuring children's (from 3 to 8 years of age) mathematical knowledge and skills along research-based learning trajectories for all important topics in mathematics.
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School leaders, teachers, and researchers agree that math is a building block for school and life. Rich early math opportunities are important to provide in classrooms. However, many school leaders feel like they lack the tools help coach teachers in early math.
The DREME Math Observer is a classroom walkthrough tool for early math leaders to help fill this need in the field. It is currently being developed and tested in conjunction with researchers and practitioners to explore how it can support the important work of improving the quality of early math teaching and learning in classrooms.
Use the tool to:
-Observe math practices that are aligned with your improvement goals
-Summarize the main practices observed
-Take photos of interesting moments or student work
-Use app guiding questions to structure feedback session with teachers
-Track trends and set goals
-Export your data
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- 教育
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REMA与DREME Math Classroom Observer排名比较
对比 REMA 与 DREME Math Classroom Observer 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
REMA 对比 DREME Math Classroom Observer 的排名,按国家/地区比较
对比 REMA 与 DREME Math Classroom Observer 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势
十二月 15, 2024