First15 对比 One Minute Pause 的使用情况和统计数据

We all have a need to know our Creator. We all have a longing to be fully known and fully loved by an all-knowing, all-loving God. First15, a resource of Denison Ministries, is a daily devotional written out of the belief that 15 minutes with God can change your life. God longs to fill you by his refreshing, life-giving presence. He longs to meet you in the first moments of your day that your emotions, thoughts, beliefs and actions would be founded on his unconditional love. Give God 15 minutes today and let him love you, empower you, heal you, free you and establish you in the reality of his nearness.
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One Minute Pause - Reconnect with God The One Minute Pause App is a simple way to reconnect with God in the midst of your busy day. From John Eldredge, the New York Times Bestselling Author of Wild at Heart and Captivating. Based on the One Minute Pause practice of his book Get Your Life Back and the 30 Days to Resilient program that accompanies his latest book, Resilient, this app invites you into the practice of restoring your union with God and receiving the life that he wants to offer to you, daily. - 30 Days to Resilient Program - 1, 3, 5 and 10 minute Pauses - 5 and 10 Mental Strength Pauses
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First15与One Minute Pause排名比较

对比 First15 与 One Minute Pause 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



First15 对比 One Minute Pause 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 First15 与 One Minute Pause 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



First15 VS.
One Minute Pause

十二月 15, 2024