KaraDoReMi - Your Karaoke Pal 对比 歡歌Live - 手機K歌就上歡歌 的使用情况和统计数据

KaraDoReMi is an innovative song learning and karaoke mobile application using YouTube. Bring amazing song learning and karaoke experiences to users. Innovative features include: 1. Using YouTube video to learn songs and singing performance including pitch and singing skills such as portamento and vibrato can be evaluated in real time 2. Song learning by song structure: We analyze songs and present to you their structures such as verse, chorus, etc. to help you understand the constitution of a song. Learning by song structure makes you learning to sing a song more quickly and easily. You can also learn to sing only those structures that you are not good at repeatedly 3. In-depth singing performance analysis: Our unique and powerful scoring engine can accurately evaluate your singing performance. Our powerful singing analysis function combines line chart of scores by each line of song lyrics and graph of your vocal pitch and original singer's vocal pitch to help you quickly pinpoint your weakness of singing. And then you can practice those lines of song lyrics repeatedly by singing along with YouTube video Other key features include: 1. Global single song leaderboard: upload your proud recordings and show up your learning and singing results to the world 2. My Songbook: create your own songbooks. You can quickly pick one of your songbooks that best fits your mood, place, and special days to learn or sing 3. Editor's Choice: No idea what to sing? Our editors prepare various kinds of song lists such as Hot Songs From Tik Tok, Hits of the World, J-pop, K-pop, etc. to help you find songs to learn and sing If you need any help or you want to sing and learn songs that are not on KaraDoReMi, please go to KaraDoReMi Facebook fan page https://www.facebook.com/karadoremi to private message us! (In App: My Profile -> Settings) Terms of Use: https://legal.karadoremi.net/terms/terms.html KaraDoReMi is a third-party app that complies with the YouTube API Terms of Service [1] and all videos are streamed through the official API embedded player [2]. YouTube maintains the copyright owner's rights with the Content ID system [3], and if a non-legally authorized video is uploaded, the right holder can submit a copyright takedown notice to YouTube [4]. [1] https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/api-services-terms-of-service [2] https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference [3] https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2797370 [4] https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2807622
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  • 音乐


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KaraDoReMi - Your Karaoke Pal与歡歌Live - 手機K歌就上歡歌排名比较

对比 KaraDoReMi - Your Karaoke Pal 与 歡歌Live - 手機K歌就上歡歌 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



KaraDoReMi - Your Karaoke Pal 对比 歡歌Live - 手機K歌就上歡歌 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 KaraDoReMi - Your Karaoke Pal 与 歡歌Live - 手機K歌就上歡歌 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势




KaraDoReMi - Your Karaoke Pal VS.
歡歌Live - 手機K歌就上歡歌

三月 17, 2025