帮你教机构版-专注培训机构教务排课招生 对比 培训机构学员管理通 的使用情况和统计数据

Application description: Admin App is part of the Bangnijiao Music School Management System, which dedicated to helping organizations manage more efficiently, helping teachers teach more conviniently, and helping students learn easily; committed to developing solutions for the healthy development of the music and art training industry through informatization construction. After more than 5 years of development, thousands of organizations have registered to use Bangnijiao Music School Management System! Bangnijiao Music School Management System's core features: office management, enrollment management, fee management, academic affairs management, financial management, statistical reports, online store, and inventory management. 【Main features of Admin App】 1. Charges: collect payments for courses, products, services, packages, and charge items, with which you can complete a variety of charges in one step. You can also add courses or products are free rewards, push orders to Student APP for payment, and efficiently complete all kinds of charges! 2. Enrollment: set enrollment goals, follow up prospective students, invite them to visit and have trial classes, so as to improve their chances of being converting into formal students. 3. Schedules: visualized schedules to display the school's course arrangement, different colors to distinguish the course status, one-click to add new schedule, with automatic lesson reminders sending to the teachers and students. 4. Tuition: check orders and student payment, collect and refund via mobile phone. 5. Staff management: features for staffs includes clock-in, leave requests and attendance records, etc.. 6. Requests and approvals: dealing school business review processes via Admin App to become a paperless office. 7. Statistical reports: teaching income, advance payment, course fees, growth rate, and attrition rate, etc.
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  • 教育


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【学员管理】 学员秒查,学员绑定,学员充次,学员充值,学员折扣,积分兑换... 【消费结账】 课次结账,商品结账,快速结账,储值结账,散客结账,自动积分,自动折扣... 【营销管理】 预约商城,优惠卡券,定向发放,抢领发放,活动公告... 【消息通知】 公众号消息,优惠通知,活动通知,充值通知,消费通知,积分通知... 【学员自助】 自助预约,余额查询,余次查询,积分查询,消费查询,充值查询,领取优惠,查收通知... 【账务管理】 账务明细,分类明细,支付管理,内部转账... 【支出管理】 记录支出,支出记录,支出统计... 【报表统计】 收入统计,支出统计,日报月报,绩效提成,课次排行,消费排行,充值排行,余额排行,积分排行,销量排行... 【系统管理】 机构管理,教员管理,权限管理,操作记录,打印小票,数据导出...
  • Apple 应用商店
  • 免费
  • 教育


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对比 帮你教机构版-专注培训机构教务排课招生 与 培训机构学员管理通 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



帮你教机构版-专注培训机构教务排课招生 对比 培训机构学员管理通 的排名,按国家/地区比较

对比 帮你教机构版-专注培训机构教务排课招生 与 培训机构学员管理通 在过去 28 天内的排名趋势



帮你教机构版-专注培训机构教务排课招生 VS.

十二月 15, 2024