River Island

11月 2024

11月 2024River Island的市場佔有率分析

River Island is a London-based, multi-channel fashion brand, founded in 1948 by Bernard Lewis. The retailer has a presence in over 125 of worldwide markets, in stores and online. Best known for its trend focused womenswear offering, River Island also has menswear, kidswear and pet collections.
僱員> 10001
年度營收> $1B
River Island
River Island(包含公司地區)
  • riverisland.com

River Island截至 11月 2024 的總收入為 > 1B

River Island 熱門網域產生的總收入

River Island 熱門網域 3 年內的總收入

River Island 熱門網域的總收入

River Island的熱門網域總造訪量

了解River Island市場觸達率與潛在市場影響力。

過去 3 個月的訪問總量

River Island的熱門網域總造訪量

River Island的熱門網域平均造訪時長

分析River Island參與度指標。

過去 3 個月平均造訪時長

River Island的熱門網域平均造訪時長

River Island的熱門網域平均頁面瀏覽量

了解River Island如何保持使用者的參與度、培養其興趣,並鼓勵他們採取下一步。

過去 3 個月平均頁面瀏覽量

River Island的熱門網域平均頁面瀏覽量


篩選超過 2,030 萬家線上企業。在流量激增、開始或停止使用技術或獲得正面評價時,發現新的潛在客戶。

使用的熱門技術River Island

这些是River Island顶级域名使用的行业网站技术

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XPO Logistics





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新聞與訊號來自River Island

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新聞River Island Clothing Co. launches TakeBack scheme.River Island have launched their TakeBack scheme in partnership with Reskinned, they'll find your unwanted clothes a new home by re-selling, repurposing, or recycling them.
新聞River Island Clothing Co. has issues with shipment of tops worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.A supplier claimed River Island had accused it of handing over a shipment of tops worth hundreds of thousands of pounds that were "ever so slightly too short in length.
新聞Sean Hastings leaves River Island Clothing Co. as chief executive.British bike brand Ribble has named former River Island chief customer officer Sean Hastings as its new chief executive.

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