The Getty
12月 2024
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篩選超過 2,030 萬家線上企業。在流量激增、開始或停止使用技術或獲得正面評價時,發現新的潛在客戶。
新聞與訊號來自The Getty
透過 Similarweb 銷售訊號提醒,每當目標受眾出現新的機會或威脅時,你就會收到每日更新的已識別購買訊號。
新聞Getty launched Alta / A Human Atlas on Oct 18th '24.The Getty Conservation Institute and London-based artist Marcus Lyon announced on Oct. 18 the launch of "Alta / A Human Atlas of a City of Angels," the latest cycle in Lyon's series of international social impact art projects.
10月 24, 2024閱讀更多
新聞Getty launches huge trove of images under a CC0 license.The Getty museum has released a huge trove of images under a CC0 license (essentially waiving copyright).
3月 9, 2024閱讀更多
新聞V&A Museum partners with Getty.The V&A has teamed up with the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the Polish Academy of Sciences to work on innovative conservation techniques for monitoring museum objects.
2月 9, 2024閱讀更多
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