Todo Agenda vs Elisi - Structured planner Usage & Stats

Todo Agenda is home screen widgets for your Android device. Each widget has its own settings and displays configured list of calendar events and tasks so that you can easily have a glimpse at your due, current and upcoming appointments. Features: * No advertising. Free and Open Source. * Displays events from your calendars and task lists for the selected periods in the past and in the future. * Automatically updates when you add/delete/modify an event. Or you may update the list instantly. * Select only the calendars and task lists that you want to see in the widget. * Create several widgets, if you need. Each widget has its own settings, including layouts, colors, filters, selected calendars and task lists. * Customize background colors and transparency of different widget parts, black and white shading for texts. * Scroll through the list of events. Use Go to Today button to return to today instantly. * Customize the text size of the widget. * Fully resizable widget with alternative layouts. * Indicators for alerts and recurring events. * Lock time zone when travelling to different time zones. * Turn off Widget header, Day headers, event icons, Days from today, etc. and see only what you need. * Hide duplicated events. * Backup and restore settings, cloning widgets on the same or different devices. * Android 7+ supported. Supports Android tablets.
  • Google Play 商店
  • 免費版
  • 生產力


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Structured logic, unlocking efficiency at its core - Infinite connectivity, add sub-projects at will, focus on key matters - Goal-oriented, taking the shortest path, precise and impactful Complete customized, your exclusive life - Powerful AI assistance, real-time tracking and motivational feedback - Free combination, painting your unique life blueprint 8 major modules build a comprehensive system - Notes, lists, tasks, habits, moods, expenses, goals, reviews - Widget support, sparking inspiration, boosting efficiency Global operation, all-platform, all-device - Sync anytime, effortlessly grasp the big picture of life - Local storage, data never lost Refreshing and delightful experience - Minimalistic aesthetics, eight themes and interfaces - Scientific weekly view, intuitively manage and plan tasks - Smooth interaction, flexibly manage each day Autonomous growth model - Detailed data statistics, clear understanding of current status - Intelligent planning and reminders, scientifically improve life - Intelligent summaries and reviews, helping you achieve stage goals
  • Google Play 商店
  • 免費版
  • 生產力


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Todo Agenda與 Elisi - Structured planner 比較排名

比較過去 28 天的 Todo Agenda 排名趨勢與 Elisi - Structured planner

Elisi - Structured plannerElisi - Structured planner- -


Todo Agenda vs. Elisi - Structured planner ranking by country comparison

比較過去 28 天的 Todo Agenda 排名趨勢與 Elisi - Structured planner



Todo Agenda VS.
Elisi - Structured planner

11月 26, 2024